Lunatic Faith, I believe we attended the same event.
not just as the 10 year anniversary of 9/11 but also as the date of the study of the most disgusting watchtower article i have ever read..
Lunatic Faith, I believe we attended the same event.
free kindle edition of evolution bookby jerry coyne - why evolution is true .
added: tuesday, 06 september 2011 at 8:30 am.
3Mozzies, I just downloaded it. Thanks for sharing.
think it was announced yesterday that im disfellowshipped.
will these feelings of guilt and panic ever go away?
my head is so messed up.
I don't think I could top the advice you've already been given. Everyone is right. It's painful but, you get through it. And there is life, wonderful, wonderful life after the watchtower. Such people you'll now be able to be friends with; people who won't judge you and love and accept you for the awesome individual you really are. Your son will grow up with just the usual stuff kids have to deal with growing up, without the unusual amount of guilt jw kids are forced to swallow.
Give yourself sometime. Love yourself!
my wife and i went to fedex / kinko's this afternoon and ran into a girl who was df'ed several years ago, (her parents are quite the rabid jw's.).
they have two daughters, and the younger one recently got married at the kh.. the older one who we were talking to proceeded to tell us that she decided to attend her younger sisters wedding ceremony which was fine despite the fact that nobody talked to her.. but after the wedding she was basically ushered out of the hall.
she was not allowed to participate in any pictures, or allowed to speak to the new couple.
When my JW brother got married he sent an invitation to our home addressed to my daughter and my niece, completely ignoring me and the hubby.
The sister he married divorced (non scriptural) his lazy ass a few years ago. If I'd been able to talk with her before the wedding, I'd a told her not to marry him.
well, i moved out of home to study more and live a "evil" life as my parents call it of going to church to light a candle!
i did this twice in the last month and i'm supporting a whore!
and by whore i mean you know babalyon the great!and all apostates are hitchhikers!
AGuest put it beautifully. I also follow your blog and am happy to see that you are finding your own way. Stay strong and surround yourself with positive minded people who share your passions. See you on-line.
i heard i was "too interested in making money" and that i was letting "worldly pleasures" get in the way.. did you ever hear anything about your departure??
I got df'd with 3 other 'sisters' so of course the rumor was that we were lesbians. LMAO. Hadn't thought about that in years.
dear brooklyn, i realize you wont make reply but we all know you have your spys, so.... i just read the chapters on.
why not just end it all?.
how can i protect myself from sexual pretators?.
Whoa Clarity:
You've said a mouthfull. What do our children reallty need? Us, their parents to hold them, support them, listen to them. Not some lame assed book writtenand/or rehashed by a bunch of old guys that don't have children.
Just sayin'.
I think just about any song on 'Passion Play'.
That album has something for everyone but the songs are set up in the manner of Locomotive Breath.
Fresh Prince: I was totally waiting for someone to finally post that song otherwise I was gonna do it.
Robert Plant looks ahhhmazing. (I just wish I knew what the song was about.)
been lurking since last august and figured i'd sign up.
history (although i feel like i've read this experience 100 times on.
this board already):.
Welcome BOC. You're in great company here.
Your story is amazing and inspiring. Thank you for sharing.