I'd read your post but there are not paragraph breaks.
dear brothers and sisters, .
i worry about you jumping on steven hassan's ideas which are not new, in fact, after reading a good chunk of his book today, nothing he has written is fresh and new to the psychology world.
so far, i have been cautious about revealing who or what schooling and background i have.
I'd read your post but there are not paragraph breaks.
i wonder how many posters here are not only in recovery from spiritual abuse (jws) , but other traumas,, such as sexual and physical abuse,,, or rape as a young person (ie, child or teen).. .
how many of us are recovering from double - or triple - trauma ... ?.
anyone want to share?.
When I was about 10 or 11 my older brother abused me. I wrote about it during one of my hospitalizations for attempted suicide. It was called 'the creak on the stairs' because I would hear the stairs creak when he was coming down and I knew what was going to happen.
Well, that just made me tear up.
so as i stated in my first post, i was born to witness parents.
from early on, my parents were both quite fanatical about the "truth.
" we couldn't even eat lucky charms cereal because they thought it had satanic connections.
Thank you for sharing. I'm so glad you and your hubby found the strength to leave. And congrats on the little one. What a lovely life he will have free of the influences of the 'troof'.
on this forum, i have carefully read most of the experiences of those who left the jw religion, i have even read experiences that have dated back to 2001, i have read the different circumstances surrounding their exits and what ensued upon leaving.
for the majority, i observed they are better remainning in the religion than leaving.
what benefit is there to strain family relationship because you want to be free?, please tell me, of what value is that freedom?,.
Mankelli, spirituality is a personal thing. How that affects anyone here is for them to answer, not me.
on this forum, i have carefully read most of the experiences of those who left the jw religion, i have even read experiences that have dated back to 2001, i have read the different circumstances surrounding their exits and what ensued upon leaving.
for the majority, i observed they are better remainning in the religion than leaving.
what benefit is there to strain family relationship because you want to be free?, please tell me, of what value is that freedom?,.
I have discovered true Spirituality since leaving the truth. That in and of itself has made my life better.
a 12 year old doing standup at the apollo.. hilarious!.
A 12 year old doing standup at the Apollo.
i'm wondering if all women are like this.
my wife is always saying she doesn't have any shoes to go with this or that.
right now we're getting ready to go on vacation.
Adiva will not even Try to respond to that to someone who has a penis. You'll just never get it.
i went by a protest today.
someone was holding a sign to "stop big banks now," basically saying they agree with the government taking control of the banks and what they do.
next to this person, was a person holding a sign that said, "make marijuana legal!
Drewcoul: There will always be fringe groups and crazies trying to horn in on a cause, just to get their 2 cents in. When the civil rights movement started picking up steam, the unions tried to ride on their coat tails. It just happens.
enjoy .
btw, it's 8 minutes long.. https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=188975267784344.
Actually, it more of a statement about how the powers that be want us to feel about the state of the world. As an exjw I found it amusing.
enjoy .
btw, it's 8 minutes long.. https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=188975267784344.
Enjoy . . . btw, it's 8 minutes long.