I can't say anything that's not already been said so: WELCOME!! WARM HUGS TO YOU!
aloha everyone...................please do help if u can.
hope u dont get bored reading this quite long text
i'l soon be 17, i'm an unbaptized publisher, but innactive (havent gone door to door)for more than a year, but still very strict with our organisation's standards (lyk no teenage dating).
I can't say anything that's not already been said so: WELCOME!! WARM HUGS TO YOU!
thw wts likes to play games with their statistics.
one interesting but truly tragic is the number of jwhovah's witnesses who commit suicie.. now i suspect that if a person commits suicide shortly before or after they are disfellowshipped then the elders would say that person wasn't a witness or that they had done something so terrible that they were too guilty to admit it and by their action of committing suicide they pretty much declared they were no longer a jw.. yup fancy talk to make sure any crap didn't fall on them.. so my question.. do you know of cases like this?
if so then can you answer a few more questions.. had this person been dfed or in real danger of being dfed or whatever the equivalent is if they were never baptized?.
I tried 3 times. My dad told my psychiatrist (over the phone) that my problem was a spiritual one. In a sense he was right, my spirit was dying.
Years later I was with a group of exjw's and the subject came up. The question came up, who has tried? Everybody raised their hand.
It's nice to know none of us succeeded because, we are awesome folks.
i've been lurking on this forum for over a year, and i thought i'd say a quick hello.. .
i was raised as a jehovah's witness and managed to endure past the encouragement that one receives from age 16 onwards about what is holding me back, and never got baptised.
i figured that making one of the most important decisions of my life requires a lot more thought than people seemed to be giving it, and shouldn't be based on emotion as is quite common.. .
I sense wisdom in your words. Welcome. I look forward to hearing more from you.
i'm on page 90 right now...the info is definitely new and gives me a totally diff view as to how i used to think of faithful and discreet slave.
i was thoroughly disgusted with the way the brothers handled the oral sex and leadership problem and the insight on the scriptures book...... still have alot of questions though.
Welcome. It is painful . . . but soooo worth it. And in the end, you'll have a Real Life.
first, don't laugh.
i'm not some adolescent teen that is confused about his relationship.
what i am going to relate here has become a maior hard ship and is really gnawing at me.
It's time for you to fall in love . . . with you. Fall in love with your child, too.
since i'm only now getting back to you since christmas due to pc-related problems, i'm hoping you had a wonderful holiday.. given my profession and connections to the art and music world, i receive many invitations to concerts, plays and recitals.
i received a ticket to a christmas concert that included many complex and superbly executed holiday-oriented musical pieces.
the audience was invited to sing "o come all ye faithful.
I have a station on Pandora that is Christmas music and I love playing it during that time of year (or anytime I feel like it). It just isn't Xmas for me until I hear Donny Hathaway's rendition of 'This Christmas' and The Temptations singing 'Silent Night'.
with the latest wt`s hate sessions against so-called apostates,former members who have had serious doubts about the religions claims to being the "chosen" of almighty god to dispense food at the proper time to the faithfull,eg:" mentally diseased"contagiously diseased,dont go near them etc.and of course exposing their dismall record of ever getting anything right as far as expectations ,prophecy,correct understanding of scripture and it`s interpretation,the flip flop backtreading on certain scriptures,and god knows what else,its only a matter of time b4 some delusional" witness"gets it in their head to take matters in their own hands and do jehovahs work,get rid of, kill some apostates,even if it`s family members.. the wtb&ts seem to be putting more and more pressure on the faithfull to hate all opposers.
i dont think this is beyond the possabillity of reality given that a dis proportionate number of jw`s suffer some form of mental deficiency,whether this is why they become jw`s or whether this is something that develops after being in the religion for some extended time.
One of the people that murdered their child was someone I grew up with. Larry Slack. It was wierd reading about it. Of course, the congregation and the society quickly distanced themselves from the incident.
i'm still inside because of family, friends... all my life is there.
i used to have doubts (one year ago) but now i only have certainties about the org.
another reason for staying, at least for now, is i'm living at home with my jw mother and she allowed me to go to college.. i seem to everyone in the congregation a normal witness but when i sit down in the meetings i do know 99% what i listen to is just the same failed prophecies and doctrines repeated always in the same way.. i'm now being "persuaded" to accept my appointed as a ms. though i'm not doing nothing special to get it, i'm serving in a foreign language territory simply because i couldn't hold on with the pressure of my family and elders from my congregation.
Welcome. Congratulations on your college studies. Don't complicate things by becoming a MS. A degree is Way more important.
hi my name is marie.
i was brought up in the truth from birth being born xy.
i went through torture as a child being born this way and apearing female in every way, even wearing boy clothes.. at the age of 15 years old decided that going through the amendment of my gender identity was a must and sought medical adv at the earliest oppertunity... this lead to me being thrown out of my home at the tender age of 15.... as time past they accepted me as their daughter a few months later.. thanks to jehovah as i was getting involved in a lot of bad things to keep a roof over my head.. at the age of 20 they paid for my surgery for which i've never looked back from and feel so much more comfortable with my body and myself.. i'm quite sure if i'd remained as my birth sex that i would not be here now writing this.. i started going back to the meetings shortly after having surgery and was met with some love and predjudice to the extent of which toilet i should be using and what clothes i should be wearing.... i've started to study again but am afraid of being stumbled again in regards to going to the meetings... after a lot of prayer and considering scriptures like -.
Hi Marie. Happy to see you here.
Just my 2 cents: When you ask the elders about it, they may try and discourage you from 'talking' on this forum . . . evil apostates and all that. Please don't let that stop you. You have a voice and you deserve to be heard.
dear brothers and sisters, .
i worry about you jumping on steven hassan's ideas which are not new, in fact, after reading a good chunk of his book today, nothing he has written is fresh and new to the psychology world.
so far, i have been cautious about revealing who or what schooling and background i have.
Sorry, I meant 'no' paragraph breaks.