>>>conjugate in moderation with a willing partner who is free of any communicable diseases.<<<
And never, Never, NEVER use your mouth!!!
there are these things we call parts of speech.
the first sentence in any paragraph defines a subject.
since a thing can be anything except things that are not really things, a noun can be anything.
>>>conjugate in moderation with a willing partner who is free of any communicable diseases.<<<
And never, Never, NEVER use your mouth!!!
i will be going to the real jehovahs witnesses site.
anyone who wants to see the light go there.
no one will have bold letters trying to make a fool of themselves.
What is MATTER? The word itself is SINGULAR, yet it too exists as THREE things: It is Weight Volume and Density. MATTER is 1x1x1 = ONE
That is the most stupid thing i have ever heard. If you don't believe me, then what are the weight, volume and denity of a nutrino? What is the weight, volume and density of light? <<<
Actually, matter does have weight, volume and density. Light however does not because it is not matter-it's energy.
i will be going to the real jehovahs witnesses site.
anyone who wants to see the light go there.
no one will have bold letters trying to make a fool of themselves.
>>>This is really not the site I was looking for.<<<
Actually, I suspect it probably is...You just aren't ready quite yet for what you found here.
when i was in dub-dom....i used to hate eating out....my ex always made us bow our heads and close our eyes tight shut while he gave thanks out loud.
did you do that in public??
or did you do it discreetly with your head bowed but eyes not shut....or.....head in hand...hoping people would think u were in deep thought?
>>>My parents never did those kinds of things but when I was in FS the leader of the group always did. It was made even worse if I was the only man in a carload of women. The thing that always irritated me about those situations is the woman, regardless of age, would look to me to be the leader of the group because I was the male. Here I am, 17, telling 45-50 women what needs to be done. I always felt sorry for them that they were so dependent on men. So my mother in law is seventh day adventice and she wants to pray everywhere and force myself or her kids to pray. Well I gave in one time and started my prayer out loud, "We thank the Goddess for all of her blessings....." Needless to say she has not asked me again.<<<
LOL! This is what I always bring up when people get all excited about prayer in schools. Yeah, I'm all for it. But which god? Or goddess? First I agree-prayer in school would be great! Would you have the kids maybe take turns? Just think, they'll get a chance to partake in Jewish prayers, Muslim prayers, Catholic prayers, protestant prayers, Hindu, Buddhist, pagan...."of course you won't mind if your kids get to particpate in a prayer to the Mother Goddess?"
So many people who want public prayer in schools seem to believe others have the right to to their own beliefs-as long as they are fundamentalist Christian...
there have been many sages who walked the face of the earth.
the wisest man who ever lived, however, is jesus christ.
jesus made an impact on history that very few men have matched.
>>>Jws also rejoice as they till their gardens and mow their lawns with sunny countenances.<<<
Shoot, and my doctor just reminded me yesterday that I should always wear sunscreen and a hat...now you tell me I should garden with a "sunny countenance." Who to believe, who to believe...
original sin for dummies
helpers: yes, god.
helpers: is there anything else, god?
My kids like to play a game that I call (privately and only in my head) "Baiting Grandma".
Goes like this-
Kid: Look at this neat dinosaur (model, skeleton, book, fill-in-the-blank). Isn't it cool? Did you learn about dinosaurs when you were in school?
Grandma: No, we didn't know very much about them when I was in school.
Kid: But don't you think they're interesting?! And just think they lived millions of years ago...
Grandma: But, dear, they can't be millions of years old. The Bible says....
At which point she starts to try to explain "...a day with Jehovah", and "weeks of years" and why our dating methods aren't reliable and why Jehovah created dinosaurs and how they died in the the flood.
Kid: But, Mom read to us about the flood in the Bible. God told Noah to take every kind of animal into the ark. If the dinosaurs were still alive, why didn't he have them in the ark. The Bible doesn't say that God said to leave out the dinosaurs.
Another Kid: You couldn't get a Seismosaurus in the ark.
Yet Another Kid: The Seismosaurs lived in the Jurassic, they didn't live anywhere close to the end of the dinosaurs. Now the T Rex lived toward the end of the dinosaurs. If Noah had some of all the living animals in the ark, he would have had to have at least a couple T Rex.
First Kid: Yeah, sort of like that ship on Jurassic Park II!!!
Another Kid: No, that T. Rex KILLED all the people on the ship. If the Bible was true, the T. Rex couldn't have killed Noah-I guess to be on the ark they would have eaten plants
Yet Another Kid: With those teeth! Those teeth are carnivorous
Grandma: --tries to explain how dinosaurs fit creation--fails...tries to change the subject fast.
My Mom also was along with us one an excusion when my daughter was reading in the van. She asked dd what she was reading and the answer was The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin. THAT was an interesting discussion.
I get alot of homeschool catalogs and the ones that come from religious publishers often include a section on Creation Science. My daughter always says, "Now THERE'S an oxymoron..."
ok first off this is the first time i have ever made up a topic.
secondly, i was reading another thread about teen development and the borgs control over adolescents, and that got me to thinking.
i dont know what anyone elses experiences were like in their congregations but 85% of the kids in my hall were home schooled their entire lives, or were taking correspondence courses instead of attending high school.
Well, not sure where to start here...
We've been homeschooling since we took our oldest daughter out of school in first grade. My youngest two kids have never been in school. We have LOTS of friends who homeschool. We started homeschooling because we wanted our happy, eager-to-learn, healthy daughter back. We have kept at it for more than 8 years because it has been so great for our kids and for us as a family. One of the big reasons that we have kept homeschooling is socialization.
We didn't want our kids learning socialization skills from similarly socially unskilled age mates. As someone once said, letting children socialize themselves produces results that tend toward The Lord of the Flies. From what I've seen from groups of children in social situation, this observation is particularly apt.
My kids are bright, extremely well informed, read voraciously and are very comfortable in social situations. My oldest daughter's riding instructor regularly calls her to help on days when they have school groups visiting the stable because she is good with horses and "comfortable with all age groups". My son is a leader (was awarded Student of the Year last year) in his Karate Club (a regional group). My middle daughter is noted for being very good with smaller kids and is great demand in the area for babysitting. My fourteen year old is eagerly preparing to start college at 16. Our neighbor, who has a daughter about the age of my daughters, was just telling me how grateful she is for moving here because my kids are such great playmates-no meanness, no backstabbing, no cruelty to others.
My husband teaches college courses and has visited area high schools for various discussions with classes in his field. He has only become more convinced, after seeing the dysfunctions of schools, that homeschooling is the right thing for us to be doing. He also sees the results of the public education system in his classroom every fall. Not only are many new graduates unable to do college level work and must be educationally remediated to bring them to the 9th grade level (they don't even try for what used to be college level anymore), but most have had any enthusiasm, eagerness to learn, or self-expression squashed long since.
I know LOTS of homeschooled kids. None of them are socially, educationally, or emotionally retarded-even the ones from fundamentalist families. We are NOT Witnesses, not even Christian. We are members of a homeschooling group that includes atheists, Christians, fundamentalist Christians, Muslim and Jewish families. My kids wouldn't get these exposures if they attended the very religiously homogenized local school district.
>>>I am going into public education<<<
You're not going to hear much about homeschooling in an Education degree program. If you're really interested, look up the Home Education Magazine website. The NEA has always taken an extremely negative position to homeschooling because we threaten their stranglehold on public education and therefore their power base. Just like finding out about the WTBS, you'd be foolish to go the their official website for balanced information. Get on the web and do a little investigation-or find a local group of homeschoolers and get to know them as people. (Hint-Look for an inclusive group)
Few of them were exposed to computers, science, etc.
My kids are most interested in Math and Science-another stereotype bites the dust. One of my daughters won the local school district's science fair two years running (beating out her public schooled peers). She is primarily interested in astronomy. My other daughter is pursuing Biology, specifically Ornithology and Animal Sciences. She plans to be a veterinarian. My son is interested in the Physical Sciences and is planning to study engineering.
My relatives in another state don't actually home school, but their kids and others go to someone's home for school. I've wondered how this is legal
Homeschooling is legal in all states. Some states consider homeschools to be private schools. Visit the Home Education Magazine website and you can find the regulations involving homeschooling for each state as well as correspond with homeschoolers from different states to see how the regulations in a state work in real life.
Jewel, stepping off her soapbox
Looks like she and the dog are both having a great time! We took the kids fishing last night. The water was too muddy-we've had flooding here in eastern Iowa, but they did catch some incredible tadpoles with their nets. They were 6-8 inches long and the size of golf balls with tails (and some had little legs.) They were bull-frog tadpoles-I've heard they were big, but had never seen one before. All in all a very wet a muddy good time was had by all.
Edit-Well, by everybody but the tadpoles who had to put up with an hour in a plastic bucket being oggled by a bunch of humans before they were released back to the wild.
Edited by - Jewel on 11 June 2002 15:6:20
i have a vivid memory of 1975 even though i was only 6 years old.
i remember the whispers and the fervor surrounding the year.
i even had an uncle who marked his calendar every day with big red xs proclaiming that he couldn't wait for "this evil system of things to end.".
I was a sophomore in high school in 1975. I didn't preach to my classmates much-things were bad enough there already!
By December of 1975 I was...relieved. I never thought that I was secretly loyal enough to (at least by that time) be saved through Armageddon and I was glad it hadn't happened (though not surprised.) I was ANGRY later when we started getting the excuses two-step at meetings.
please can everyone think twice before they make posts containing bad language (even if not directed at individuals), graphic sex talk and nude or semi-nude pictures (especially if explicit).
this is not what the forum is here for.
if you want to post stuff like that then there are lots of places on the internet for it and, more importantly, if people want to see and read stuff like that then they are quite capable of going to these places themselves.. i know everyone likes to 'let their hair down' now and again, me included, and i like pictures of sexy women as much as anyone .
Here's the way I see it. This site is managed by Simon, that means we play by his rules.
If you went physically to Simon's house and he asked you to not smoke, I'd think you would honor that. If Angharad asked you to slip off your shoes at her door, you'd do so.
I don't think Simon cares if anybody want to play around with cyber sex. I think he just doesn't want anyone doing the virtual groping in his living room