the mechanism of abiogenesis has not been solved ... evolution in no way depends on abiogenesis
So how is abiogenesis a solution to anything.
Every living thing evolved from a common ancestor through evolution by natural selection.
This a belief which has no support in nature.
Nothing can evolve through natural selection because nature cannot selected what does not already exist, and if an organ or a trait already exist then there is no need for it to evolve. Evolution through natural selection is circular reasoning to the point of ridiculousness. It is the equivalent of an evolutionary biologist trinity doctrine. Metaphysics, mystery, maybe, but certainly not science.
Endosymbiosis is the key to this question. It was proposed by the late Lynne Margulies.
Evolutionist have been proposing since 1859 and still have not identified a natural process that can account for the existence of life nor is there any known natural process by means of which single cell organisms can evolve into multi-cellular organisms, nor is there any 'evolutionary reason' why they should,since single cell organisms reproduce and survive in greater numbers than multi-cellular organisms .
The so-called fact of evolution is a fantasy construct and evolutionary biologists have as much credibility as the Watchtower Society for exactly the same reason. That is, constantly coming with claims that have no demonstrable validity in nature.
I have been reading science texts since 1968 so don't play yourself with the fantasy that you are a superior intellect dealing with an inferior intellect. You would probably be better off posting non-sense about the earth not being flat and the sun not revolving around our planet.