Minimus! Me 'ol china... "I'm knackered" is (particularly) a London expression... meaning "I am tired" (beyond exhaustion). The Knackers Yard is where they took the old 'orses to render them down.
As a kid, my JW Elder father, slapped me round the back of the neck when I used the expression. For him, as a dock worker, it was beyond the "bloodys" and "shits" and was more in line with the f***s and c***s. A regional thing I guess.
I am a true blue Cockney 'fellah... not quite barrow boy... but will give you a complete run for yer money in the East End. Even the ATMs on the bank walls will offer yer a Ton or a Pony, me 'ol Son.... then you can come with me for a plate of Jellied Eels wiv some Pie 'n Mash.
BTW, I f***ed off years ago... but I still luv me 'ol man. At 85 he, and the Golden Oldies still tread the streets wiv the same enthusiasm and clock up the hours. Why should I change his view on life now...
There woz a group of 'em in the London Royal Albert docks in the '60's who put their balls on the chopping block for standing up to their new found faith. It was the Divine name that did it... chalked over the dockside sheds.. and the interested few, put their collars up, fags in mouth.. and started to read. Dad was the 1st JW in the UK to have a copy of the book "The Truth that Leads to Eternal Life".. nicked, of course.. and put under oath from HQ not to breathe a word. It sat at home, and I didn't even notice it til after the District Assembly. There started my trail, my enthusiasm and disillusionment.
Sorry for the London speak, minimus, I am a COCKNEY and proud of it, guv. Cock's eggs were rare in Shakespearean times.
Any old Iron out there?