What really knocks my hat in the water are words like...
" The U.S. Census Bureau report shows..." - WHAT report??? There is only 1??
They always do this. They rarely quote the EXACT source of their words (unless they are quoting their own propaganda), and if they DO happen to give an exact source - they seem to neglect to give page and paragraph.
This is shoddy journalism at its' worst.
Another quote...
" Many single parents who were consulted during the compiling of the Awake! articles recommended such factors as sound home management, commitment, balance, and communication as ingredients for success in building a strong family unit."
No offense intended, but many single-parents are not well educated. These words used are multi-syllable - not usually used by high school drop-outs. College educated folks might use words like this... or those who get their 'college' edukashun from the 'Watchtower and Awake'.
Sad - but most JWs will not see the anomalies in this press release.
Jim TX