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JoinedPosts by upnorth
I'll add some more photos I've taken from around here
I took this picture from on top of a Belanger Pass in Alaska when I was out ATV riding with some friends. To the left on the hiway and about 4 hours away is Valdez and to the right and about 4 hours away is Anchorage (my home) . The elevation is about one mile where I'm at, the valley floor way off in the distance is about 3000 feet.
Jehovah's Witnesses---A Religion That Does Nothing For Anyone
by minimus inthe reality is: jehovah's witnesses benefit no one but themselves!.
they don't contribute to society.
they refuse to get involved in local interests because that would constitute violating their neutrality.. if sexual abuse allegations are made amongst their members, unless two witnesses can attest to the molestation, they refuse to get the "superior authorities" involved.. they claim to be doing their neighbors a "life saving" work but the reality is that they simply are pests to their "householders".. they are a tax free "religion" and they do not pay taxes.. they are judgmental people and regard the "world" as "worldly" and in the "power of the wicked one".. and if the individual members do not conform to the organization's dictates, they might very well be "shunned" and regarded as "dead".. why anyone would want to be a jehovah's witness is beyond me..
The WBATS is a the Pharisees of this age.
It and the people it seduces are no closer to God then my dog.
I've been involved with Kingdom Hall wide events as a kid and the only goal was arrogant self promotion of the congregation.
As an adult I've been involved with church events of different sizes and function. If the function was to help someone or some cause and build membership that was stated upfront. If the goal was to help out of compassion then the help was given with no expectation.
Jw's must be having a hay-day!
by AK - Jeff inall the earthquakes, mudslides, and now volcanic ash in the sky of europe grounding air-travel.. the end is nigh!.
I remember how excited all of us got when natural disasters occurred around the world, what a bunch of sickos we were.
Does anyone know if the WBATS is planning on the end of the world "inconsequently" with the Mayan calender ?
Was Hitler really a "genius"?
by Mr. Monday Night inwas adolf hitler really a "genius" or was he in the right place, at the right time?.
i think he was evil (obviously), but at the same time, he was a great speaker and was able to "trick" the minds of the german people pre-wwii and during the second world war.. i would like to hear your thoughts.... ciao,.
The audacity of Hope.
Hitler was no more or less of a genius then our Most Glorious President Obongo. They both have managed to get millions to follow, even though the followers aren't aware of what the goals involve. Obongo probably won't get as many kills accredited to him as Hitler but who knows how many his changes to health care will net him.
Doesn't an 'allegorical' Garden of Eden nullify the need for a Ransom?
by AK - Jeff ini have noted in the past few months or years that christians, when faced the nearly insurmountable evidence that the garden of eden events are improbable if not impossible [i refer to fossil evidence that supports hominid existence on this planet perhaps millions of years ago, as example] to overcome, that the 'fall back' position is often that the garden of eden account is just allegory, not literal.. but it occurs to me that if it is just allegorical, then there is no specific event to mark the 'fall of man' and 'original sin'.
without that, what purpose is served with the idea of a 'ransom' in which 'the last adam' overcomes the sin of adam in the garden.
why would nt writers refer to the events as if literal if they are just allegory?
I don't see why it would make a difference.
The Bible points to Christ as it's mark of validity not Eden.
Do you Know of any JW Pedophiles who Currently Go Out in Service ?
by flipper inmy wife suggested this thread and i agree it's a good idea to put this out here to find out.
just wanted to give her credit for the idea.. most of the public have no idea that some of the jehovah's witnesses people calling at their door are a previously convicted sex offender or pedophile who may have served hard time in prison for their crime.
it would be interesting to have an informal survey here and get an idea of the sheer numbers of these child molesters who are out on the loose.. in your opinion - how would the public react if they knew that child molesters were regularly calling on their doors ?
That is where the legal definition really fails everyone. Your example is exactly were the problem is. There is a huge difference between a couple teenagers having sex and a 45 year old man and a 15 year old girl doing the same.
AS far as an actual pedophile being allowed to go door to door that's beyond sick. I would think the WBATS would be a little mindful of the monetary repercussions of putting a pedo on a canvasing mission.