I love that bug !
i've seen that----> (dubs or dub) used quite a few times but haven't connected it to anything.. could someone 'splain it to me.
thanks, it's early spring time uphere and my brain is not completely thawed.
I love that bug !
so i have a 100 mile daily commute, so i see lots of plates.
i get a kick out of the good ones.
saw 2 hearses- toolate, lastrde, guy in a navy caprice classic-notfuzz; minivan-mmbeer.
I have a 1999 Ford Super Duty Diesel powered pickup, I used to sell diesel performance parts and my pick-up had advertising on the tail gate, my license plate is RUSLOW.
Myself and others accused my wife of being crazy (I love her) Her license plate on her minivan is PLNCRZ and the other one has GONCRZ.
being an ex cult member i don't understand this... i walk into town and back and on my way theres always these men driving past in cars who honk their horns at me.
is it some form of comunication?
am i supposed to respond in some way???.
Those guys are lazy stupid douche bags and are not worth your time. Any man that respects a female does not honk, hoot or whistle at her. In that moment you have learned everything you need to know about that fool.
The proper and equal response is do nothing or this.
i haven't been on here long but from what i have seen it is a pretty tight nit group here.
i was wondering out of all the people that have come and gone has there been any that are missed?
the most popular, either in a good or bad way.. .
I'd assume you intend "tight nit" in a positive.
I think many here know each other well.
It's good place
I think the stump has won
as a grandparent i feel the need to share this picture with you.. if any of you have cute pictures of grand babies please post them if your comfortable with it.. this little guy is elias, he was born january 4th in spokane.
this picture was taken by his mother when elias was 8 weeks old.. he is my second grand baby, my 3rd one is "in the oven", they are all boys.. every time i look at this picture it makes me smile how about you ?.
The wife and I absolutely love him.
No grand baby is better then the next but he is the first baby from our only daughter. (We have 3 boys one girl)
We wish he lived a bit closer but his Dad and Mom have a wonderful thing going in Spokane and we can travel to see him and the other grand son (he also lives in Spokane) whenever we can find the time. Our 21 year old son works for Alaska Airlines and as his parents we can fly (FREE !) on stand by.
the watchtower has been known for over 130 years as a great scriptural cherry-picker.
they pick out disparate unrelated verses and combine them to support the wackiest of wacky doctrines.. on the other hand there are many scriptures they almost never address, whether because they contradict wt doctrine or because they simply don't have a clue what they mean or how to spin them to the wt advantage.. one of these is revelation 19:1 that mentions a "great crowd" "in heaven.
" the only time it is ever brought up it is dismissed.
hi all, new posting, but i've been lurking for a while.
i thought it was time to "come out" as it were and voice my story.... i was born into the jw cult surrounded by all of my jw family.
grandfather was an elder for almost 40 years till he passed, both of my uncles are currently now elders and have been for the last 15 years.
You will find the living is fantastically better then living a lie.
I was born in also and didn't realize how big the lie was until many years later.
Stay strong and stay out
as a grandparent i feel the need to share this picture with you.. if any of you have cute pictures of grand babies please post them if your comfortable with it.. this little guy is elias, he was born january 4th in spokane.
this picture was taken by his mother when elias was 8 weeks old.. he is my second grand baby, my 3rd one is "in the oven", they are all boys.. every time i look at this picture it makes me smile how about you ?.
As a grandparent I feel the need to share this picture with you.
If any of you have cute pictures of grand babies please post them if your comfortable with it.
This little guy is Elias, he was born January 4th in Spokane. This picture was taken by his mother when Elias was 8 weeks old.
He is my second Grand baby, my 3rd one is "in the oven", they are all boys.
Every time I look at this picture it makes me smile how about you ?
what are some things you are looking forward to doing that really make you feel good?.
i got the brakes all changed on our mountain bikes(bicycles not motorcycles) yesterday so i'm hoping the weather.
holds out so we can go biking later on today.. since it's now the month of may, later on this month looking forward to grilling out,camping, hiking, boating and various.