Why did the days have to be so long? I mean hours of sitting in one spot, listening to them drone on, and they wanted you to take notes? That is just too much.
JoinedPosts by serenitynow!
Why did so many of us fall asleep at the assembly's
by life is to short ini was just thinking of this driving home from work last night.
when i totally believed this to be the "truth" i could not stay awake.
i really tried to but the next thing i knew i was sound asleep.
Ministry Call turns to a Fist Fight
by BluesBrother inif you have posted already and i missed it, i apologise, but i have not seen this before - who started the fight???.
Maybe he entered the priesthood later in life.
Helen Keller and the horned hand or mano cornuto
by Weeping inthe "el diablo" hand sign often is con-fused with the deaf hand signal of the phrase, "i love you.
" while at first this appears an odd resemblance, we register an "ahh, i get it!
" emotion when we discover that the person who invented, or created, the hand sign system for the deaf, helen keller, was herself an occultist.
I thought that horns sign meant F.U.
Helen Keller and the horned hand or mano cornuto
by Weeping inthe "el diablo" hand sign often is con-fused with the deaf hand signal of the phrase, "i love you.
" while at first this appears an odd resemblance, we register an "ahh, i get it!
" emotion when we discover that the person who invented, or created, the hand sign system for the deaf, helen keller, was herself an occultist.
Can you provide pictures for both hand signals? I'm interested.
Ministry Call turns to a Fist Fight
by BluesBrother inif you have posted already and i missed it, i apologise, but i have not seen this before - who started the fight???.
The article says the priest lives in a house in BACK of the church.
Oh, I see they meant a separate structure behind the church, ok.
If the priest threw the first blow I would probably side with JWs too. I do know however, from encountering clergy in the FS before, many got very angry because we showed a general lack of respect for them in refusing to call them by their title. I have witnessed my mom in the FS make a point to call a reverend "mister." While I don't advocate violence, JWs could be provoking people. Just my opinion.
Do any of you still believe in 'Hellfire'? heh
by theMadJW inthat they (trinity) are burning billions alive...forever?
with worms that live forever gnawing on them?.
Actually I have found that some of the die-hard Watchtower witnesses- the one's who are not overly concerned with following scripture, but following WT law, are often righteous overmuch, and thus think they have a "survive armageddon" pass. I had a weird conversation with a sister like this who told me, "I'm going to get life" she went on to point at me and say, "maybe YOU may be concealed, but I'm going to get life." I remember thinking wow, how arrogant. Maybe that is the MadJWs deal.
Do any of you still believe in 'Hellfire'? heh
by theMadJW inthat they (trinity) are burning billions alive...forever?
with worms that live forever gnawing on them?.
It is the same thing in that hellfire and armageddon both mean eternal destruction. Also the same because JWs fear armageddon, and are focused on doing whatever it takes to not be destroyed. So the fear of dying at armageddon is in fact a way to control people.
"Hmmmm! Armageddon, which takes place when man will destroy himself, is a brief period.
'Hellfire' is supposed to be TORTURE....FOREVER.
Same thing? Only to those dememted."
Wow, really, are you really insulting me because I believe the concepts of hellfire and armageddon to be quite similar? Before you insult a person, you should at least make sure that the insult is spelled correctly.
I am not dememted [sic] or demented, I'm just capable of abstract thought.
Ministry Call turns to a Fist Fight
by BluesBrother inif you have posted already and i missed it, i apologise, but i have not seen this before - who started the fight???.
That is weird. If the priest lived in the church why did they knock? I wish I knew more about it.
How about jokes that have puns for a punchline?
by Wasanelder Once inwhy didn't the maharishi let the dentist use novacane on him?.
because he wanted to transend dental medication.. ok, there you are.
match this and beat it, please!.
Funny. I can't think of any puns.
Do any of you still believe in 'Hellfire'? heh
by theMadJW inthat they (trinity) are burning billions alive...forever?
with worms that live forever gnawing on them?.
"That is why of ALL the False Dogmas of ALL Religion- it is the most obscene...It's purpose was to scare people to church, and to control them."
Really? You cannot be serious. How can you not see that Armageddon is to JWs as hellfire is to other religions? JWs fear armageddon like church folks fear hell.