They're ALL fake!
Not fair RR! Some of us really believed it, that's why it hurt so much to find out it was a cult!
They're ALL fake!
Not fair RR! Some of us really believed it, that's why it hurt so much to find out it was a cult!
many witnesses got married at a young age (because they felt they had to).
you can't sin, right?.
some people get married and for years, are very happy.
Yeah,I used to think I'd be married in my early 20s. Also I couldn't even have thought of marrying a worldly man, or having premarital sex. Yet here I am mid 30s, looking for a worldly man.
sitting around the picnic table outside i just happen to mention to my sister that i heard that the watchtower org.
has tons of money held in offshore accounts.
"I can leave my purse sitting anywhere and when I come back I know it will still be there!"
Boy, that's rich! As my JW mom can tell you, you can't leave your husband unattended at the KH, he will most definitely get stolen. Don't even get me started about people who thought their kids would be safe with nice brother closet pedophile! Your family member is living in La-La Land.
you can't do anything in the religion!
you can't hold hands with your spouse during prayers.. you can't wear a logo themed tee shirt when doing menial outdoor work at a "quick build" kingdom hall.. you have to wear a suit and tie or a dress when visiting a watchtower factory.. you can't enjoy an older recording of a favorite talk and pass it around because "the faithful slave" disapproves of that.. you can't further your education with college.. you shouldn't want to get married or have children as the end is soooo close.. they suck the life and enjoyment of people.....and i've only mentioned a fraction of things jws frown on.. .
It's interesting your kids got away with feigning illness. If I remember correctly, if you were too sick for the meetings, you could not do anything remotely fun staying at home. When I was a teen and rebelled, not going to meetings, my mom would unplug the house phone and take it with her, sometimes the TV too.
on 9/11, an elder: it's sad but exciting!on a loved one dying: we can cope far better with this due to the resurection.on the tsunami, an elder: if they think this is bad, wait untill they see what happens at armageddon (smiling).on armageddon, an elder: i want to be able to see the people dying.on execution at god's hands, a pioneer: it'll put them out of their misery.on the swine flu virus, a pioneer: it'll mean less people for jehovah to kill at armageddon.on the birth of my daughter, a prominent elder: be carefull not to fall into the trap of 'baby worship'on the death of my non jw grandmother, an elder: be carefull at the funeral not to become involved in false worship (don't sing my grans favourite hymn)on the topic of my non jw sisters wedding, the po: if it falls on the weekend of the convention, you should make your stand & not go to the wedding.there is, of course, a normal response to each of these situations.
there is a human response.
one that is touched by the tragedy.
"Whoa, dude! What fucked-up congregation did you attend? They actually ate babies?"
Keyser I believe he is referring to a case in the past year where a very mentally ill woman killed her newborn, and did indeed eat parts of her. She was reported to be somehow affiliated with the JWs. Google it, it's horrifying.
on 9/11, an elder: it's sad but exciting!on a loved one dying: we can cope far better with this due to the resurection.on the tsunami, an elder: if they think this is bad, wait untill they see what happens at armageddon (smiling).on armageddon, an elder: i want to be able to see the people dying.on execution at god's hands, a pioneer: it'll put them out of their misery.on the swine flu virus, a pioneer: it'll mean less people for jehovah to kill at armageddon.on the birth of my daughter, a prominent elder: be carefull not to fall into the trap of 'baby worship'on the death of my non jw grandmother, an elder: be carefull at the funeral not to become involved in false worship (don't sing my grans favourite hymn)on the topic of my non jw sisters wedding, the po: if it falls on the weekend of the convention, you should make your stand & not go to the wedding.there is, of course, a normal response to each of these situations.
there is a human response.
one that is touched by the tragedy.
Jambon1, did all of those people go to your KH? It's scary to think of so much retardness confined to one small area!
you can't do anything in the religion!
you can't hold hands with your spouse during prayers.. you can't wear a logo themed tee shirt when doing menial outdoor work at a "quick build" kingdom hall.. you have to wear a suit and tie or a dress when visiting a watchtower factory.. you can't enjoy an older recording of a favorite talk and pass it around because "the faithful slave" disapproves of that.. you can't further your education with college.. you shouldn't want to get married or have children as the end is soooo close.. they suck the life and enjoyment of people.....and i've only mentioned a fraction of things jws frown on.. .
As I heard another ex JW say, this is definitely a "thou shalt not" religion. Basically anything that is possible to give any pleasure or satisfaction is forbidden. I knew a sister that frowned on any kind of competition like having a race, games, etc. That was unchristian somehow.
last night frontline (pbs) aired a documentary called.
"the dancing boys of afghanistan".
a euphemism for a sex slave/pederastic business that.
I was wondering if anyone else saw this! I watched it on PBS this morning, I was horrified! One thing I was curious about was the religious aspect, are the ones practicing this Muslims? If so, how (is) it addressed in any way in the congregation? What was especially shocking to me was that no one was ashamed, they were smiling at the parties, it was totally acceptable. I do agree that with this going on in the middle east, their (the extremists) focus on America's ills seems like a straw/rafter situation.
Another thought I had after watching that was does anyone really believe that there is a god, and one that cares about people? When I see these kinds of atrocities, it makes my belief stronger that there either is no god, or he/she is impotent or unconcerned.
i guess i should tell my story.
i'm a born in.
both parents are jw, they did the pioneer serve where the need is great thing.
you all are very sweet.thanks for the kind words. :-)
hello friends... just found out that at the recent one day assembly they are now really discouraging people from getting married!!!!!
they will lose young ones like crazy if they start telling them that they cannot get married...what are these sexually frusterated young people to do??
you cannot masterbate, you cannot have sex outside of marriage (not that i would encourage it either, but...), now you cannot even get married?????
She graduates from college in the fall, and plans to pioneer!
Well thank goodness she went to college! You definitely taught her well! Let the marriage come in a few years maybe, I think that's best. I don't feel as bad about people pioneering their lives away if they at least go to college so they can have a decent life.