Given all that goes on inside that is actually crazy............
People still do miss the organization. But what is it that they actually miss?
Since sheep like to be led and easily "misled", walking by FAITH and not by sight is not as easy as one thinks.
When one leaves you leave "structure" a building to worship god in (which I thought he doesn't dwell in handmade temples anymore anyways)
The organization leads you, and tells you what to wear, what to read, what to watch, who to marry, how to have sex, who to associate with, how many hours of preaching you really need, how many placements you need to be a true example to the cong. and so on and so on.......
You are a slave to THEM.... and they will continually beat you down, molest you, abuse you, judge you and so on.........
and when you finally do leave ( or get disfellowshipped) and carry its baggage with you, you never let go!!!!
So you will eventually MISS IT!!!!
It reminds me so clearly of the Israelites who left up out of Egypt and only three days into the wilderness began to murmer and complain and said they were brought out here to let die. They longed for what they had back in Egypt! Security, Food, shelter, clothing and a unending list of chores to do probably 18 hours a day in the hot sun.
So...if this is the security of the organization that you miss, then you may need to self examine truly why you left. If it was for the wrong reason and motive you will go back. Or carry the baggage of anger and resentment with you out in this world and portray it onto others. Therefore not allowing for LOVE, MERCY, FOREGIVENESS. Remember it was our choice to be JWS.
So go inside "your temple" and ask for guidance and the yoke of the one that is kind and merciful. Take 'his' yoke and follow 'his' lead.
I promise you will never regret it
justathoughtof love