I've tried to get scared ...I can't seem to anymore. Preditor use to give me nightmares after I watched it, but I never got scared watching it.
Personally for me (and maybe a lot of you) the idea of being out of control and enveloped with emotion of despair is important and the 'unknown.' What is exactly on the otherside, without seeing it. For me the score is the KEY ingredient with the element of it 'actually happening' ...so it has to have an element of real life attached.
Again, It's gotta have amazing musical score.
I recommend Matarys ....it only scared me at one part of it...(element of suprize also important) Matarys is one of the most amazing movies i've ever seen. It's just REALLY good at creating a great plot.
Texas Chain Saw Massacre (the original) was also scarey because of the 'real life' possibility.
Most 'Monster' movies don't scare me.
I think the CONCEPT of Nightmare on Elm Street is probably one of the BEST concepts in scarey movies. It has all the elements Suprise, possibility of being real and terrified by Nightmarish demon(s)in your dreams, lack of control over surroundings and self. Great music score...etc... But uh...I was too old to really get scared by it. It's one of those movies to be watched when your like 10 or something. Otherwise it doesn't work as much when your older, for me anyway.