JoinedTopics Started by mentallyfree31
Hello - new
by freshstart inhi, just wanted to introduce myself.
born-in, as was my husband.
we were both baptized as teens, married when we were teens (he was early 20s) and we were both the "perfect" witnesses.
Hello - An update and greetings to all here!
by mentallyfree31 inhello everybody ..... it's been a long time since i've logged in to this site.
i wanted to say hello to all.
i am doing very good.
Sun Moon - Leader of the Moonies - Autobiography
by mentallyfree31 ini purchased (this week) a copy of the autobiography of this man.
he wrote the book himself, telling his version of the events of his life, work and church.
i think it will be very enlightening to hear a cult leader express his views, attempting to justify his work and beliefs.
I kinda hope my wife finds out about me
by Anony Mous inso we had a 'special' visitor today in our hall, somebody from patterson, young fellow with a wife.
off course i didn't catch that at first until he started name dropping in the first 5 minutes that he was from bethel .
so he goes on rambling about how we live in the last days and blah-di-blah .
As of today, I will no longer be one of Jehovah's Witnesses.
by Knowsnothing ini spoke with my mother, told her everything, my doubts, my fears, my sins.
it came rushing out.
my mother is devastated.
The effect we are having on the Watchtower is HUGE
by jwfacts ini was inspired by a recent thread i know i aint gunna crumble the wt, but a girl can dream to look at the effect we as individuals are having on the watchtower society.. 3dogs1husband quoted a story to show that even helping only one person is worth it.. it is encouraging to note that the one person you may have helped has lead to millions being helped, due to the power of compounding growth.. compounding growth is well illustrated by the rice on a chessboard problem.
if you start with 1 grain of rice on square one, and double it to 2 on the second, 4 on the third, 8 on the fourth, by the last (64th) square there would be 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 grains of rice.. likewise, if you help one person out of the grip of the watchtower this year, then next year you help one more and they help one, in a few years that is going to have a formidable result on the number of jehovahs witnesses.
look at the following statistics.
Top Ten Pickup Lines at This Year's Convention
by JimmyPage in10. if i said you had a nice governing body would you hold it against me?.
9. let's overlap our generations if you know what i mean.. 8. what do you say we lose this great crowd?.
7. i want to be your faithful slave.. 6. tonight we're gonna party like it's 1974.. 7. your breasts are like towers.. 6. would you welcome a shepherding call?.
Convention Weekend
by Lunatic Faith ineverybody in my area (jw's) is at the convention this weekend...and i'm not.
i didn't realize how really great i would feel when this weekend came.
i'm not sitting in a crowded coliseum, on uncomfortable chairs, sweating in my nylons, creating new blisters on my feet, juggling note books and bibles and wishing all the people around me would disappear.
Watchtower on Demon Materialization
by Marvin Shilmer inwatchtower on demon materialization .
i added a new article to my blog about watchtower teaching on demon materialization.
my article is titled watchtower on demon materialization and is available at: