It's legit. That is exactly the form used in the co report to the branch. Notice how it is all about numbers....
It's legit. That is exactly the form used in the co report to the branch. Notice how it is all about numbers....
the etan patz story was huge when i was a kid in the 70's.
very scary, parents didn't let kids out of their sight.
investigators found the body several weeks ago, and now this guy comes forward..
If it was indeed a Witness that he confessed the murder to years ago.......... it might be a good time to trot out that mid 90's letter from the branch to the florida BOE about not turning in the guy who confessed to murder.
That piece of information would catch fire with the media I bet.
the etan patz story was huge when i was a kid in the 70's.
very scary, parents didn't let kids out of their sight.
investigators found the body several weeks ago, and now this guy comes forward..
I read something that talked about how his "religious mentor" knew something about the killing of Etan. I will have to go back and find it.
the 8/15/12 report on the annual meeting contained very interesting information.
in october of 2011, guy pierce reported that plans were moving forward with the construction of the new headquarters complex in warwick and tuxedo.
he mentioned that after the project was finished in 4 years then the society would then sell off the brooklyn properties.
I understand where People are coming from when they say the watchtower doesn't have money problems.
But consider how they are selling properties below asking, reducing printing productions, canceling Gilead, flying their heavies to India for heart surgery, installing credit card machines at assembly and convention locations, trying to call loans on kingdom hall properties, trying to force halls into remodels, selling branch facilities...etc etc.
They might have a ton of assets that make them wealthy on paper . But assets ain't cash until you sell it. I think that have gotten burned on something that that aren' talking about. Maybe more pedo settlements?
the 8/15/12 report on the annual meeting contained very interesting information.
in october of 2011, guy pierce reported that plans were moving forward with the construction of the new headquarters complex in warwick and tuxedo.
he mentioned that after the project was finished in 4 years then the society would then sell off the brooklyn properties.
The 8/15/12 Report on the annual meeting contained very interesting information.
In October of 2011, Guy Pierce reported that plans were moving forward with the construction of the new headquarters complex in Warwick and Tuxedo. He mentioned that after the project was finished in 4 years then the Society would then sell off the Brooklyn properties. Ok that makes sense.........
Fast forward to today, a mere 8 months after the Annual meeting, and the Society is quickly unloading their Brooklyn properties often at a price significantly below the asking price. The only reason corporations will sell assets ahead of schedule and at a bargain basement price is if they were desperate for cash.
Why has the plan changed in 8 months? Why are they divesting themselves of their core capital facilities before they have a replacement compound, headquarters built?
I believe they have either lost their ass in the stockmarket crash, or they simply just don't have enough revenue or borrowing capacity to fund the new projects. Either way it looks like the Watchtower will need to ask Jehovah for a line of credit.
the latest august 15th watchtower study edition features an interesting review of the society's annual meeting.. one comment struck me as evidence that the governing body isn't quite as "discreet" as it claims.. here is what the article said:.
"there are plans to develop a 248-acre (100 ha) property at warwick.
'although we are not yet certain of jehovahs will regarding warwick,' said brother pierce, 'we are proceeding to develop the site with the intention of relocating the world headquarters of jehovahs witnesses there.
For a high control group that claims its authority based on the leaders direct inspiration/communication with God, this is a major screwup.
"You must obey us when it comes to life impacting decisions like blood transfusions, your education, and your future. We know what God wants for you." "However we aren't quite sure what God wants us to do with our next building project". "He tell us what he wants you to do but he isn't talking to us about what he wants us to do."
So does God communicate with them or not? I would think that if God really communicated with these jackwagons that they would be a little brighter than they are.
"[we] have conquered the world!".
today, we live in a time unlike any other in human history.
the world governments have fallen, and no human authority now prevents jehovah's anointed ones from beginning their peaceful rule over mankind.
Man you are so good at this. You must have been such a student when You were in. You capture the tone, the cadence, and the intention perfectly.
it's been many months since i've been here.
missed the place and wanted to stop by and check in.. i have a ton of crap going on in my personal life right now.
if you're a fb friend you probably know the story already.. anyway, wanted to say hi and hope to be around a bit this summer..
Hi Mad,
I hope you get things ironed out. Good to see you here.
if anyone wants to meet up for drink i am flying in on the 14th and going back on the 16th, staying in the courtyard by marriott.
would love to say "hi" to any apostates in the area..
Come on cantleave. I can't believe you are not going to take a bethel tour while you are so close. You truly have no appreciation for spiritual things.
my jw son just turned 18 and is about to graduate high school.
his grandfather (my dad), who has never been a jw, wants to encourage him to go to college and doesn't understand why his grandson isn't interested.. btw, my father graduated from harvard with a bs in physics, has a master's degree and is also a successful businessman.
in education and am a high school teacher.
Its true, crazy but true. Many witnesses are stuck in occupations like window and carpet cleaning. Not that there is anythig wrong with those occupations, but your options are limited when all you know is window cleaning.
In my congregation there are 7 people that have businesses doing carpets and or windows. Of these 7 - 5 are on the servant body in some form.
How open minded can someone be to higher education when they are stuck cleaning windows with no prospect of other employment? To validate their situation/choice they will oftentimes villify other peoples choice to pursue education. It's sad.
The funny thing is to watch all of these 7 businesses try to hustle for the same accounts. Looks like 7 ducks fighting each other for 5 pieces of stale bread at the park.
It just gets dumber and dumber.