Very interesting. Some thoughts and speculations.
To really accomplish the franchise model they will need to pop up a lot of kh's in the next few years for a real brand impact. Watch for 1000 halls being constructed or remodeled in the next 3 years. I would venture to say that they will try to first quickly consolidate many halls and then sell the old ones off to fund the Mc model.
if it is a storefront design the halls will likely be situated in a highly trafficked commercial area. This will require many halls in the old residential areas to be sold off. I'd bet that having a storefront presence in a highly trafficked area will result in more vandalism incidents.
Finally, this new arrangement is going to alienate many publishers and elders who took much pride in participating in their rbc projects. I knew of many pioneers who got virtually all of their time through rbc projects. They don't have the stomach for door to door so watch for a decrease in the regular pioneer ranks.