I am skeptical. There has to be more to it than this????
Maybe a new book, "Revelations its Grand Anticlimax at Hand"?
the first summer a$$embly finishes this weekend.. tell tell!.
who are the toes.
the verrucas and fungus?.
I am skeptical. There has to be more to it than this????
Maybe a new book, "Revelations its Grand Anticlimax at Hand"?
i looked on the web and can't seem to find any numbers.
are they as big as the jw's?
approximately 7mil.
Answer: none they are all followers of Jesus Christ. Harold Camping is just the messenger that Jesus is using in these "last days". The true believers would never question the date of 5/21/2011 because it would be the same as questioning Jesus.
It is crazy how similar to the WTS this nutty group is.
i don't want to get trapped in a building when i am called to the lord.
these are details you gotta think about.. my rapture checklist.
clean underwearbiblesnickers and trailmix (you never know how long the trip up might be)sunscreen (the uv rays at 50,000 are killer)harmonicais there anything else i am missing?.
Good point Stealth! I should add a Helmet to my list.
i don't want to get trapped in a building when i am called to the lord.
these are details you gotta think about.. my rapture checklist.
clean underwearbiblesnickers and trailmix (you never know how long the trip up might be)sunscreen (the uv rays at 50,000 are killer)harmonicais there anything else i am missing?.
Would it be inappropriate to play AC/DC's Highway to Hell on the way up?
Lol I will never forget playing Van Halens "running with the devil' out in service one time. There was this very emotional "annointed" sister in the car. I thought her head was going to spin around on her shoulders. You should have seen the backroom meeting that resulted lol. One of the elders was young and couldn't keeep a straght face as I was being counseled.
Its funny, that Sister refused to work with me anymore in Service. Good times....
i don't want to get trapped in a building when i am called to the lord.
these are details you gotta think about.. my rapture checklist.
clean underwearbiblesnickers and trailmix (you never know how long the trip up might be)sunscreen (the uv rays at 50,000 are killer)harmonicais there anything else i am missing?.
I don't want to get trapped in a building when I am called to the Lord. These are Details you gotta think about.
My rapture checklist
Is there anything else I am missing?
there are 3 really basic releases for the dc this year.
revised vol 1 of young people ask.................hmmm lot of work in that one.
new brochure.
Nice to have you posting again JWFreak! I hope everything is going good for you.
can i not go, and then hide for six months.
will my friends believe i got taken on saturday?.
if it really does happen, how embarrassed will the attendees be when they walk outside and find out that everyone else is gone, but they got left behind (and had to listen to a really boring talk on being encouraged to pioneer while all the excitement was going on outside?).
Captain, you have a PM
i post on a couple of forums and read and lurk and all that stuff.. a theme that seems to be gaining momentum is about how the gb are 'tightening their grip' and 'becoming more cultish'.. i don't read the publications anymore and oddly i read extracts of them on the forums.. punk is babbling now.............sorry...................my questions are (sorry if they're a bit long.
sorry if i sound like satan: 'is it really so?
' but then i am a mentally diseased apostate).. 1. are the gb really tightening their grip or is it just the same as it ever was........but..........we just notice the propaganda more now we're out?.
Lol @ miso cup. I am not a racist, but am just an ass who is not very PC.
pdfs can be obtained at jw.org.... spiritual gem #1. perhaps witnesses should apply the standard the wt recommends for gathering information on the internet to wt publications; from page 4:.
(1) who published this.
How do we know that members of the Governing body themselves are not emotionally or mentally ill, or have wrong past religous beliefs that are contributing to their partaking improperly?
coercion to refuse blood.
today i uploaded a new article to my blog documenting instances of inappropriate coercion to have jehovahs witness patients refuse blood.
the article clippings from the early 1950s are a must read.
Marvin you are amazing! Keep up the great work of exposing these charlatans.