towards the end,,,,i was totally sad,,,to be so totally petrified by ones religion....i wish i was joking,,,but i'm not...deep deep fear that someone would beable to see it on me,,,,and then go and tell....shudder....i still have night-mares....
JoinedPosts by peaches
Were you totally petrified to question the teaching of the dubs?
by MsDucky ini look back now and think what the hell was wrong with me?
it's just so crazy to be so blind.
everytime, i'd think that this or that wasn't quite right, i'd think i was committing blasphemy.. it's sad to know that's why many people are still stuck in that religion..
Would You Die
by sammielee24 infor your religion or your country?
just curious.
i know many people that say they wouldn't die for religion but follow practices that might cause their death.
i would have at one time,,but not now....for country yes,,,,depending upon the situation......
UNITED NATIONS CHARTER read in all congregations at beginning of SPECIAL TALK
by Life is now inthen 1 thessalonians 5 read about 'peace and security'.
the speakers instructed not to embellish the statements.. 'noble sentiments' was mentioned about the un charter but no criticism.. followed by the need for god's kingdom.. it sounded more like an advert for the un to me.
did anyone else hear it?
never heard about this....thank you for the information...
Profoundly Shock, Sadening and Traumatic Account of Mary Aguilar
by Scott77 inafter reading this internet link below about the profoundly shocking, sadening and traumatic account of mary aguilar, an ex-jw woman's systematic treatment and abuse, what do you think regarding the action her jw abusive husband, the congregational elders, and finally, the wts attitude when she finally reported the accident to them?
is there any related experienes that you might have come across?.
peaches did not understand what i can take months,,,,maybe even years to leave....(quit drinking)....most people require alot of help...mentally,,,financially,,, much worse if your a witness??? it is not a simple as "just leave" or "just quit" drinking...
anybody that works with this type of individual,,,,could tell you the failure rate of both....people go back to the abuse,,,,people go back to the drinking......they are classified as both a mental illness,,and physical illness....
Profoundly Shock, Sadening and Traumatic Account of Mary Aguilar
by Scott77 inafter reading this internet link below about the profoundly shocking, sadening and traumatic account of mary aguilar, an ex-jw woman's systematic treatment and abuse, what do you think regarding the action her jw abusive husband, the congregational elders, and finally, the wts attitude when she finally reported the accident to them?
is there any related experienes that you might have come across?.
the advice to JUST like telling an alcoholic to just quit drinking.....Unless you have lived it,,,,you simply do not understand the tremendous psych....damage...Whats wrong with you???? why don't you just leave??? two of the cruelist statements an individual can make...the following is a story that was shared out in field service one day by publishers working unassigned territory...
this is second hand knowledge,,but...i NEVER got over it.....
a sister lived in an abusive situation...she had children....i guess it was beyond horrendous.....she had gone to the elders many times for help,,suggestions..etc etc...her husband was NOT a witness,,,,evidently the advice she got from the elders was to "stay" with him...become a christan examlple.....keep reproach from jehovahs organization.....etc
the kids and her went to thursday night meeting....when she got home,,,,her husband started on her....she mentally a gun and shot him..he died....the worldily courts found her innocent i guess due to the extreme abusive...the witnesses disfellowshipped her for 5 years...
however,,,she went to meetings and was reinstated....shortly after being reinstated,,,,her son drowned....people said it was gods way of letting her know death of a loved what her husbands family went through....
my feeling...the elders in that congregation were nuts...had their been different elders with some common sense,,,this whole situation might have turned out so differently.....but you all know...OBEDIENCE IS THEIR GOD,,,NOT JEHOVAH
1st Post-DF'd Encounter with JW in Ministry
by sd-7 ini was waiting for the bus this morning (which didn't come until i decided to drive, then it showed up, naturally, after i already got on the road) when a jw approached the two people next to me, offering a tract.
she showed them psalm 83:18 first--same old, same old.
but hey, at least i admire her courage in sharing the scriptures with people, even if that particular scripture is, apparently, more important than any message from the christ that could possibly be shared with people.
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( sd7 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Newbie Here
by Bluegill injust wanted to introduce myself.
i've been lurking for 3-4 years.. i was baptized in 1981 and served as a ms and regular pioneer for some time.
started fading around 7 years ago when we moved to a different part of the country.
hi,,,,nice people will like it....
Always Expect the Unexpected................
by Judge Dread in
judge dread .
Domestic Violence and Mosaic Threat Assessment
by jamiebowers ina crime profiler was featured on oprah last week, and he introduced a test to assess the chances of homicide due to domestic violence called the mosaic threat assessment.
i just completed the assessment and answered the questions based on my experience in my jw marriage that ended about 20 years ago.
please note that these results aren't based on my current marriage.
thank you.....did not do test yet,,,,but read the info....will do later....thank you again....i am not married anymore,,,but...i am real interested in the score....
It's About Time Something Was Done.....
by Sam Whiskey inthe toughest anti-illegal-immigrant measure in a generation passed the arizona legislature this week.
if signed, as expected, by republican governor jan brewer, the law will give local police sweeping new powers in regard to undocumented workers.
currently, immigration offenses are violations of federal, not state, law, and local police officers only can inquire about a person's immigration status if that person is suspected of another crime.
hope not elsewhere