JoinedPosts by peaches
Check Out Today's Daily Beast (online)
by DNCall in.
and search under jenny hollowell.
her book is due out in june.
My sons song is the song of the day on Friday april 16th.
by Champion insome of you know me from a few years ago, and my oldest son (18) is a musician and a college freshman.
well one of his songs will be featured as the song of the day on an indie internet station.
his names is nicholas james and the song is there she goes.
local elder stops by for a casual visit
by SnakesInTheTower infirst of all, i never believe that any visit by an elder is truly casual.
this particular elder was one of my closest friends from the time i first met him in the lobby of bethel during a tour, to the time he moved here from uk, to the time i left his congo.
i posted elsewhere that he once came by the house and said "is there anything i can do to help you come back to the kh?
you have developed a new life...good for you....can be distressing when a surprize visit comes along....sounds like you handled it of the best revenges is happiness......KEEP SMILING~~~
"For the La-and of the Freeeee... and the Home of the... Stupid?
by AGuest in
just in case anyone was wondering whether racism really does exist in the good old u.s. of a. i have to be regularly notified of this type of conduct (which really isn't all that rare in the good old u.s. of a.
) due to my line of work.. peace!.
thank you,,,an interesting article,,,,creepy,,,but interesting...
How Did You Find New Friends?
by daringhart13 ini'm painfully curious on this subject.. when you have devoted your entire life, your entire social circle, everything you this religion....when you fade away, how did you make new friends?
how did you replace all those people you thought were your friends?.
on top of fading away....... i lost a 'relationship' with a 'sister' due to not wanting to continue as a jw.
i am still you said,,,not only do you lose everything....but everyone....the simpliest things become difficult...looking for work,,,i realized i did not have anyone to use for personal references!! i also cannot seem to get rid of my spiritual conscience....drugs,,,alot of immorality,,,heavy drinking,,,are not me,,,,so fitting in is so hard,,,haven't met that many non witnesses,,,but haven't fit in with the ones i have met...
i hope to make changes here on the board....i hope to find some cyber friends that i can communicate with...the kind that " KNOW ALL ABOUT YOU AND LIKE YOU ANYWAY KIND"...hahahaha....yes,,,,i can give a whole meaning to the word imperfection....
its just tough daringheart 13,,,,,make the effort and sometlhing will turn out....that is what i am going to do...good luck
What is the reasoning of Israelites being allowed to have concubines?
by EmptyInside inwere they all foreign women?
it seems to be contradictory too, because they weren't to have marriage alliances with other nations.
but, i guess using the woman as a sex slave and baby making machine was okay.
they didn't have fast food,,,,energy drinks,,,etc etc...all they ate was organic food...the result??? horniness to the extreme and one woman couldn't satisfy them....
It pains me
by Weeping init pains me to have to say what i do.. believe me, i would much rather just say kind things and never offend anyone.
it really hurts me to get people angry at me.
i certainly do not intend to make people angry.
are you counting time for this??????
Tiger Woods is somehow getting tiresome already...
by Gregor inwatched hours of the masters this weekend.
great golf, beautiful course.
tiger woods played damned good.
OH MY!!!!
I have to give GREAT THANKS!
by its_me! ini wanted all of you to know how much you have helped me in the few short weeks that i have been here.. i was starting to sink into a very deep and dangerous depression, wrestling with the lies that i have been taught all of my life, and feeling like i was evil because i did not want to follow anymore.
fearing that i was deeply offending god and hurting him.. since being on this site, the weight is starting to be lifted.
the thick veil of fog is slowly starting to clear, and i feel like i can live!
Were you Stalked or Chased After Once you Exited the JW's by Elders ?
by flipper ini tried to fade off the map by moving 30 miles initially in 2004 after i exited in late 2003 .
the first several years they didn't bother me.
i ran into a elder from my former congregation in late 2005 in an antique store - he tried telling me i was wrong for stopping attending meetings.
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