That is so trivial and they obviously love getting in the middle. If they read their book/manual the direction is that this matter should have been handled between you and the sister. She was having them do her dirty work. I have known of numerous instances where there are squabbles in the congregation and one approaches the elders. They were instructed to handle it themselves this was not an elder matter.
JoinedPosts by CuriousButterfly
craziest reason elders wanted to have a commitee meeting with you
by glentrevette ini had a sister who was a tenant in my house and her car was leaking oil all over my newly paved driveway before she moved in i had a condition on the lease that said if her car leaked oil she couldnt park there and i told here after she moved in that she was being deceptive to me when she said her car didnt leak oil she was good friends with a lot of powerful elders in the hall and would you believe they asked to meet with me 3 elders in the back room of the library because they said i had called this sister a liar i got out of it only after i produced a copy of the lease and pictures of the oil mess if i hadnt of had pictures maybe i would of been dfd.
Rock, I like U2 and then classical when I am in a mellow mood.
NEED HELP Proving that 607 BC is false and list of flip-flops
by doubtful inthis post is going to seem erratic to some, but i'm afraid it's the best i can do.
i can only write on this board during the spare moments i have when my mother is not in the home.
so i need to get as much info in per thread as possible given the time constraints.
Marked to read later.
At past assemblies in Natick, MA they have announced $14,000+ for "expenses". They sure do pad the receipts. There is no way they can have 45+ weekend assemblies and average $10,000 for expenses each weekend. Then all the extra monies are send to the WTS. The elders in each circuit vote on that at every assembly.
Anyone remember this former C.O.: Kevin Wright?
by Olin Moyles Ghost induring the early 2000s, kevin wright was the c.o.
for a circuit that included several of my friends.
i remember hearing my friends complain about what a tool this guy was--and these complainers weren't just "lowly" publishers--some of them were elders and pioneers.
For those that know/remember Kevin...
A little birdy whispered in my ear that Kevin is getting married this May. God help his future wife.
WARNING for active JW's
by Anony Mous inas you may have heard if you attended recently, social networking is of the devil and many have been 'lead astray' by website supposedly set up for jw.
whatever, you heard it before about rock, hard rock, hip hop, rap, gangsta rap, tv, werewolves .... anyway you may have heard of the recent elder school where basically there were the proverbial tongue lashings about not having social networking sites.
here is the skinny on recent developments:.
So far there is no directive for one who is in a position not to have a SN page. They are frowning upon it and seems to be the topic of conversation at each assembly and CO visit. I have one and love it. There are elders/wives/kids that I know who have SN page.
I have a friend in Bethel and I know they do not know have SN page, I wonder if the GB prohibits all bethelites not to be on a SN site?
It will be interesting if they come out and say you cannot have a SN page. I will not give mine up, that is how I keep in contact with my out of town family.
PACIFIC on Tsunami alert after biggest quake ever recorded hits Japan
by hamsterbait injapan was hit by a 30 metre wave after an 8.9 superquake.
10 metres is not 13 feet, as stated on another post, a metre is over three feet.. hawaii, phillipines and west coast of us on alert.. is anybody in the affected areas?.
It is so sad and terrifying for the Japanese. My heart goes out to everyone and hope they are getting food and water.
assemblies; how times have changed
by Evidently Apostate inmy wife mentioned our circuit assembly was this weekend, she looked at me and i let out a chuckle and said "the kids are too sick right?
" (they weren't) but it was what she wanted to hear, an excuse from me to blow it off.
it got us thinking about how they were kind of tolerable when we were younger.. meals with ice cream, lots of volunteering to get you out of your seat.. there was more room at past assemblies.
That was when we could drink Shasta soda and those bean burritos would not sit well with the older ones. ;)
Roger Insellman, Barry Sobieski, Wade Payne These guys still COs?
by Seeker4 inroger insellman, barry sobieski and wade payne were three of the poorest cos i can remember in the decades i was a jw.
sobieski was a bully, using his authority to intimidate as much as possible.
insellman was just not personable, and was such a company man is so many ways.
I agree Minimus and the pool is looking drab.
Roger Insellman, Barry Sobieski, Wade Payne These guys still COs?
by Seeker4 inroger insellman, barry sobieski and wade payne were three of the poorest cos i can remember in the decades i was a jw.
sobieski was a bully, using his authority to intimidate as much as possible.
insellman was just not personable, and was such a company man is so many ways.
Brown Payne is now a DO (first assignment as a DO) in Massachusetts and is a hard ass. Payne is a "pain" and a loose canon. At several assemblies he referred to homosexuals as "nasty". I was horrified and extremely upset. Payne made those comments multiple times during our CA. Never once did he refer to liars, stealers, adulterers etc as "nasty" only when referring to homosexuals. Payne's comments caused a lot to grumble and at how unloving his comments were.
He came across as extremely haughty and had a chip on his shoulder. They just seem to be getting worse....