JoinedPosts by bnybyt
I think an undercover apostate was sitting near me at the meeting this afternoon
by hoser inthis brother was sitting near me today at the hall and when the public speaker started talking about the signs of the last days this guy started whispering something to his wife and kind of mocking the speaker in a quiet voice.
his wife looked really pissed off.. i've suspected this guy before by some of the stuff he's said and done and some of the #3 talks hes given he's gone off the assigned topic quite a bit.. during the wt study i was doing mics and i happened to walk by him several times.
his wt was on the floor and his bible was opened to topic for conversation at the end of the bible at the last days part.. a little while later his wife gave him the look and said something to him and he picked up his unprepared wt and followed along.. hoser.
Possible Dub pickup line
by soutx in.
hey babe, how about you and me doing a -.
generation overlap
That sounds quite "brazen"!
They don't know what to do....
by pbrow inhave been going to a few meetings to support my kids that have to go with their mother.
i knew it would be a powerful lesson for them to see how these loving people treat their father who da'd a while ago.
couple of elders tried to corner me the 2nd or 3rd time i went to remind me that i cant talk to anyone.... i however reminded them that i am not df'd and i can talk to whomever i want to.
Thanks for sharing your experience.
It's awful to see this shunning going on and especially so in front of children.
I'd say that to avoid this, instead of DA'd a publisher can just write a letter to the body of elders and say that you no longer want to be in the So-and-So congregation but this in no way means that you are Disassociating yourself from the fellowship of other Jehovah's Witnesses. You are leaving the congregation because you no longer wish to be downtrodden by those who are appointed men in the congregation and should be treating you as a sheep who needs comfort and care instead you have found some of them to be the total opposite. Therefore you do not want them contacting you ever again about your decision to leave the So-and-So congregation and reserve your right to become a member of another congregation if you wish.
Once you have stated in writing that you do not wish to be in that congregation. They have no legal or doctrinally enforceable recourse. They better leave you alone or there are legal cases (at least in the U.S.) that make for a legal precedent whereby a former member of a religious congregation cannot be harassed by having the congregation take punitive sanctions like excommunicating, disassociating or disfellowshipping the ex-member. Because the ex-member is no longer under the religious oversight of that congregation under the eyes of the law.
The most important thing to put in the letter is that you will SUE THE WHOLE BOE if there is any sort of announcement against you which will be considered as putting you in a bad light, and question your character, in the eyes of your former congregation brothers and sisters.
When done this way, you aren't DA'ed or DF'ed and they won't dare take action against you since the Legal Dept. at HQ in Bethel will tell them they're on their own on this one. It's like... going beyond the gate on a NO TRESPASSING sign. So wave your DON'T TREAD ON ME symbolic flag, no need to DA, and just leave the congregation and threaten to sue the elders if they dare do anything to badmouth you.
Bizarre comment about at SAD
by sir82 inrecently attended a sad.. bethel speaker was gushing about the wt's embrace of new technology, in the part of his talk warning about "apostate" web sites.. a loose summary of his comments:.
"and the brothers at headquarters have made it very safe for you to go to our website.
in fact, the brothers talked to the folks at google, and they made a special arrangement so that when you type in 'j w period' into the google search engine, it automatically shows you the website.
Wow! I entered JW. and a list of domains came up. First off and then JW.wol and and BUT THEN THERE WAS THE SEVENTH LINK
I wondered who would be this ??
When I clicked on it showed me on top of the results list
Jehovahs-Witness. Net
Kudos to Simon and all the JWN board users!!!
Do You Honestly Believe That You Would Have Officially Left The JW Religion If They Didn't Shun You?
by minimus ini left as an inactive person.
i pretty much have been left alone by the elders and witnesses, as far as being hounded.. i know of many that either disassociated or got disfellowshipped.. i'm wondering if you think you would have remained a jw, in name only, if the religion (cult) didn't shun and penalize as they do..
Yes, I do.
How about the number keeps increasing because it's the second wind of the overlapping generation that we're now seeing revealed!
Hey Bro Loesch how about printing that in the July WT?
Could really use some help regarding legal letter to avoid DF
by Comatose ini used to have a webpage saved and i have lost it.
a young man and his wife had faded.
they had a birthday party for their child and were called before a judicial committee.
1. write the elders telling them you want to be removed from that congregations member list.
2. say clearly and repeat it, you are NOT disassociating yourself as a JW nor are you disassociating from the greater community of JW's and continue to hold on to your right to seek membership in another congregation where you feel more comfortable.
3. tell them you do NOT want elders calling on you and you will seek legal guidance and a restraint order be put against them if they do not desist from calling on you.
4. tell them in the letter that you will sue them for harassment and defamation if there's any public announcement against you made at the Kingdom Hall.
5. emphasize that you are not seeking to sue any branch or part of the WTS unless they (the elders) request the Society for legal representation. If the WTS gives them counsel then they will also be upholding the elders harassment and defamation and will appear in the suit.
There are legal cases in the U.S. that uphold a person's withdrawal from a congregation and their right not to be harassed, denigrated nor defamed as a result of their withdrawal of membership. Just because you seek to withdraw membership from a congregation does not mean you are disassociating yourself from the religion as a whole and this creates a loophole where the congregation cannot take actions against a former member. They can't just say "so and so is no longer a member of the _______ Congregation. A JW can chose to go to whatever congregation they wish, the JW hierarchy cannot by law force anyone to go anywhere they don't want to go. But by following those steps above they can't announce that you aren't a JW anylonger which is their covert way to announce you should be shunned.
Ray Franz
by thedog1 inam reading coc at the moment, about half way through.
just finished reading some of the details of what happened in malawi and mexico years ago.
which reminded me that in the early 80's a very well known elder in the country i was then living in went to new york as he had discovered all the discrepencies between what had happened in malawi and in mexico and wanted to know what the gb had to say about it.
When I read this I cried with hurt and rage, I'd written letters to Malawi's gov't and thought it so cruel of Satan system of things to persecute our brothers and sisters.
All this time, it was the Governing Body who allowed our brothers and sisters to be persecuted. They had double standards and there was no need for our Malawi brothers and sisters to be abused, raped, tortured, killed! All because of a stinking national party membership / ID card. While the Mexican brothers were getting away with the bribing of officials at the Governing Body's consent.
This, more than anything else in CoC, really got to me and opened my eyes to the reality of the Watchtower Corporation and its self presevation at all costs, even human life and suffering.
Number of anointed partakers in new yearbook?
by JWOP ini haven't seen the 2014 yearbook on the jw site yet.
i'm looking to see if the number of partakers has increased again (as it has for many years now).
anyone have a scan of it yet?.
No seriously, do you think they are all genuine??
Everyone who reads the gospels and feels they should partake is doing what is expected of believers in Christ.
If their belief is genuine how can their partaking not be genuine?
1 John 5:1
Coc and ISFCF
by DS211 inhey guys are there ray franz coc or isocf ebooks for sale?
its hard for me to get a paperback as im fading.
you can get both ebooks at I believe, quite cheaply.