Christmas Eve I would go see my father (he wasn't JW), so would get all my presents from him and my step mom. Christmas day was a lazy day (got to play with my new presents) but had to look like I was upset I had recieved them , and Boxing day....well that was the day all the women /girls from local congration would get together and hit the mall....nothing like boxing day sales lol!! What a joke lol!!!
JoinedPosts by hopeful4eva
As a JW, what did you do on Christmas Day?
by Magwitch ingrowing up a jw, we always had family from out of town visit or we would go visit family.
it was fun to get together with my other jw cousins over christmas.
(however, it was hell going back to school in january as the only girl without a new sweater).. as a married jw though it was a different story.
The Bedbugs are coming....
by Snoozy ini seem to hear more and more on the news about the bed bug epedemic.
today they were talking about it on tv and they said they are spreading ,among other ways, at theaters and libraries.. i love going to the show and my grandchildren are spending a lot of time in the libraries at their colleges.. it's just a matter of time before someone close is exposed to them.. what do you do?.
i know for myself i am fearfull of going to the theater now.. they were talking about it in illinois and i am in missouri..can bedbugs swim?
Just this past August, we stayed at the hotel only for 1 night. August 1st, but it took a week for the bites to become too much for me to handle lol!!!
The Bedbugs are coming....
by Snoozy ini seem to hear more and more on the news about the bed bug epedemic.
today they were talking about it on tv and they said they are spreading ,among other ways, at theaters and libraries.. i love going to the show and my grandchildren are spending a lot of time in the libraries at their colleges.. it's just a matter of time before someone close is exposed to them.. what do you do?.
i know for myself i am fearfull of going to the theater now.. they were talking about it in illinois and i am in missouri..can bedbugs swim?
I had to write lol.... I recently got married and as hubby had been out at work, we decided a night in a honeymoon suite was all we needed, lol!!
It was a beautiful room, hot tub, fireplace ...anyway I woke up in the morning covered in little bumps. A couple of Day passed and the bites became red and very swollen, itchy as hell too. I went to our walk in clinic because the pain was almost too much. I was COVERED in bites...I counted 24 in total. I am still on antibiotic ointment (since August 3rd )and I have about 4 that just will not heal!! I never even felt the suckers bite me!!!
The Dr told me to burn EVERYTHING that we took to the hotel that night.
Emotional Blackmail alive and well among JWs.....
by troubled mind inlast night i was delighted to meet up with an old friend from my jw past .. she has been df'd for over 12 yrs and moved faraway from this area most of that time .
her jw parents took the hard line with her ,and have had little or no contact this whole time .. she was df'd as a teenager ,now she is a successful career professional .
she did not like living with this df label hanging over her head .
When I read this I had to check and see where you were from troubled mind. I too have a friend, who has not unfriended me on FB yet, that was recently re instated. It took her less then 4 months lol!!
We talked before she decided to go back, and I tried to reason with her a bit, but she had her own agenda. She would reinstate, get the contact with her parents and her family that are in, and would avoid going in service and all the two faced people in her condo, the lead to her DFing years before.
Right after she was reinstated (a few months now), my mother called to tell me...nothing else but to tell me that this girl had been reinstated. I told her I knew as I had seen it on her FB. Conversation ended. Think she knew I was not going to even entertain the idea, let alone just to please her.
Im finally leaving my jw husband.
by littlebird insome of you know i have struggled with this for awhile.
i really do believe in marriage and the committment, however, sometimes enough is enough.. his endless preaching at me and calling me and my (adult) children satan has me realizing that this situation is not going to get better.
the other day he kicked my son out of the house for wearing a cap, in his car, with a skull on it.
Hello Littlebird,
I can totally understand where you are coming from, although I am re married now, I was previously married to a guy who at one time was my world...that world blew up in my face LOL. Although I, in the beginning I found it hard to try and pick myself up (and I was only with him for 7 years nothing like your 25),it was really a eye opening experience.
I say eye opening because in my personal opinion being with someone, no matter for what length of time, molds you...maybe conforming to things you don't like doing just to keep the peace lol!!
You are about to embark on a journey of self discovery...although the low times will be low, you will also find the good times!! It is what you make of it!! And although it can be a hard road, your the one who has the power to come out on top and happy with who you are!!! After all you are one strong person to say this is not how you want to live anymore!
I wish only the best for you and your journey!!
Mourning the living dead- Hard to not wish they were actually dead though
by hopeful4eva ingoogle_ad_section_start back ground: been da'd for 17 years, bio mother and step father uber jw's, step father elder.
since da'ing my mother has always sorta kept in contact with me...until recently.. three years ago i started dating a guy, my bio father and step mother did not approve of.
my mother loved it, she fed off it.
Thank you Everyone for your nice comments, my eyes welled up reading your comments...just need some time to get past this and let the wounds heal.
Thank you !!!!
Mourning the living dead- Hard to not wish they were actually dead though
by hopeful4eva ingoogle_ad_section_start back ground: been da'd for 17 years, bio mother and step father uber jw's, step father elder.
since da'ing my mother has always sorta kept in contact with me...until recently.. three years ago i started dating a guy, my bio father and step mother did not approve of.
my mother loved it, she fed off it.
Back ground: been Da'd for 17 years, bio mother and step father uber Jw's, Step father Elder. Since DA'ing my mother has ALWAYS sorta kept in contact with me...until recently.
Three years ago I started dating a guy, my bio father and step mother did not approve of. My mother loved it, she fed off it. She would invite us over (when Step daddy was away of course), and was more of a mother to me during this time. I could talk to her about anything, and she wasn't getting all upity on me and for the first time in my life I was actually feeling some love from her.
When my bio dad and step mom saw that my relationship with my boyfriend was quite stable and not just a fling, they started to warm to him. We started doing normal family things together, going camping, having family meals and taking long weekend travelling as a famly. Well now bio mother decides she does not like this, and SLOWLY starts the shunning process again. Leaving my boyfriend bewildered as to what is going on. Opening up a whole can of worms, cause boyfriend (who at this point is agnostic), wants to know why the heck my bio mother is not talking to me, or seeing her grand-daughter. So I try the best I can to explain it to him, saying they somehow think this is scriptural. So he starts reading the bible himself, only to become a believer and to see for his own that this shunning thing is bunk.
So as the storey continues boyfriend and I decide to get married, we decide it will be very small and out at bio dad's house. Boyfriend sends a invite out to bio mom and step dad...they do not respond. He is hurt that they do not respond, as for me...I take it for what it is.
So Wedding day comes...a beautiful day I might add, filled with family that care and only close friends. And wedding day goes...19 days now and not so much as a card, an e mail, or a call congratulating us. Just nothing!!
So Sunday night I spiralled into depression. Crying and feeling all so alone, thinking in my mind that this will be how it is. That my mother has completely chosen her religion over me, that I will never share my joys with her, never share my struggles with her. And yet she HAS NEVER been that person to me. Its always come with "conditions", and those "conditions" I refuse to adhere to. I cried for a mother I never really had, I cried knowing that if she does not open her eyes, this is how it will be till she dies.
So yesterday, I was sent out on a task for work...and had to go to a store to pick up a birthday cake for my boss. As i pull up I see a man that looks so familar to me, but I just am not SURE. I walk inside the store and kind of hang by the doors, when the man turns I see it is my step father, he looks right at me, turns to my mom and says something, and my bio mother who was about to get out of the car, gets back in closes the door and drives away. For a second my heart broke, but through it all I realized that this was my closure. I had spent 3 days in bed crying my eyes out, craving a mothers love...and the final dawning that I had that, I had that through my step mother. She has been my rock through the past 17 years of my life, through all the crap through all the good...through it all!!
I can only put the depression i felt and the sadness down to a form of mourning over my mother, and yet I know if I run into her again or see her, that everytime this happens, the wounds could reopen and I could go through this all again.
Sometimes its hard not to let the bitterness take over, and not send her angry e mails. I know that there may be only one thing that may win her over, and that is love, unconditional love , but in even saying i live in hope that she may one day open her eyes, or do I move on and think of her as dead?? I just don't know what to do!!
I Challenge any JW to prove this wrong. If wrong i wll reinstate unequivocally
by chrisjoel init was the 1900-year-old faithful and discreet slave, the old christian congregation,that was entrusted with this precious kingdom service.. the watchtower, july 15, 1960, p. 436. jehovahs witnesses believe that this parable pertains to the one true congregation of.
during these many centuries it has been feeding its.
jehovahs witnesses in the divine purpose, p.17).
shit sorry thought I started a new thread sooo soooo sorry!!!
I Challenge any JW to prove this wrong. If wrong i wll reinstate unequivocally
by chrisjoel init was the 1900-year-old faithful and discreet slave, the old christian congregation,that was entrusted with this precious kingdom service.. the watchtower, july 15, 1960, p. 436. jehovahs witnesses believe that this parable pertains to the one true congregation of.
during these many centuries it has been feeding its.
jehovahs witnesses in the divine purpose, p.17).
Back ground: been Da'd for 17 years, bio mother and step father uber Jw's, Step father Elder. Since DA'ing my mother has ALWAYS sorta kept in contact with me...until recently.
Three years ago I started dating a guy, my bio father and step mother did not approve of. My mother loved it, she fed off it. She would invite us over (when Step daddy was away of course), and was more of a mother to me during this time. I could talk to her about anything, and she wasn't getting all upity on me and for the first time in my life I was actually feeling some love from her.
When my bio dad and step mom saw that my relationship with my boyfriend was quite stable and not just a fling, they started to warm to him. We started doing normal family things together, going camping, having family meals and taking long weekend travelling as a famly. Well now bio mother decides she does not like this, and SLOWLY starts the shunning process again. Leaving my boyfriend bewildered as to what is going on. Opening up a whole can of worms, cause boyfriend (who at this point is agnostic), wants to know why the heck my bio mother is not talking to me, or seeing her grand-daughter. So I try the best I can to explain it to him, saying they somehow think this is scriptural. So he starts reading the bible himself, only to become a believer and to see for his own that this shunning thing is bunk.
So as the storey continues boyfriend and I decide to get married, we decide it will be very small and out at bio dad's house. Boyfriend sends a invite out to bio mom and step dad...they do not respond. He is hurt that they do not respond, as for me...I take it for what it is.
So Wedding day comes...a beautiful day I might add, filled with family that care and only close friends. And wedding day goes...19 days now and not so much as a card, an e mail, or a call congratulating us. Just nothing!!
So Sunday night I spiralled into depression. Crying and feeling all so alone, thinking in my mind that this will be how it is. That my mother has completely chosen her religion over me, that I will never share my joys with her, never share my struggles with her. And yet she HAS NEVER been that person to me. Its always come with "conditions", and those "conditions" I refuse to adhere to. I cried for a mother I never really had, I cried knowing that if she does not open her eyes, this is how it will be till she dies.
So yesterday, I was sent out on a task for work...and had to go to a store to pick up a birthday cake for my boss. As i pull up I see a man that looks so familar to me, but I just am not SURE. I walk inside the store and kind of hang by the doors, when the man turns I see it is my step father, he looks right at me, turns to my mom and says something, and my bio mother who was about to get out of the car, gets back in closes the door and drives away. For a second my heart broke, but through it all I realized that this was my closure. I had spent 3 days in bed crying my eyes out, craving a mothers love...and the final dawning that I had that, I had that through my step mother. She has been my rock through the past 17 years of my life, through all the crap through all the good...through it all!!
I can only put the depression i felt and the sadness down to a form of mourning over my mother, and yet I know if I run into her again or see her, that everytime this happens, the wounds could reopen and I could go through this all again.
Sometimes its hard not to let the bitterness take over, and not send her angry e mails. I know that there may be only one thing that may win her over, and that is love, unconditional love , but in even saying i live in hope that she may one day open her eyes, or do I move on and think of her as dead?? I just don't know what to do!!
How Shunning Defeats The Watchtower
by metatron ini know my remarks in this regard are small solace for those affected but i think they can offer a little hope.
it is shunning in particular that is leading to ultimate defeat of the watchtower cult.. how so?
well, any policy followed to an extreme results in the opposite consequences.
Ha!! I have often thought...they go on and on about being "GOOD EXAMPLES" so that others will notice their changes and want to study and become baptized.
The "GOOD EXAMPLE" my family in has sent out to all the REST my family and friends, is that they are a whacked out religion!! They have all seen the conditions and the complete coldness from their shunning of me!! lol!!