Teel and blondie both had good suggestions. I have been "inactive" at different points throughout the last 8 years and honestly, the elders never hounded me too much about time reports. I might get the RARE call from an elder just trying to make sure he gets his quota of turned in slips, but as with those suggestions, I would just say I didn't have any time for the month. Usually, they would just say "ok" and leave me alone. LOL I guess it depends on how aggressive your congregation/family are about it. I've always been looked over in the congregations, so it was never more than the occassional call every couple months tops.
I think the MOST retarded thing that happened to me is when I had moved in with my parents for a while, thus switching congregations (including having my publisher card transferred), and every month or so (or purely on the visit of the C.O.) an elder from my OLD congregation would call to "encourage" me to come to meetings....as tho I had simply just stopped going. THAT was dumb. The last time it happened, the stupid elder had the nerve to actually PUT ME ON THE PHONE WITH THE C.O. Even AFTER I had reminded him that I was living with my parents (both active witnesses) AND attending a new hall AND already had my card transferred for months already. He just ignored what I said and put the CO on the phone, who also tried to encourage me to come to THEIR meeting. What made it even more stupid is that my parents' congregation was having the CO the following week (we were in a different circuit)...and when I told the CO on the phone that, not only did he STILL try to get me to commit to coming to HIS "special sunday talk", but he also asked WHO the CO was in my new congregation, as though I were lying or something!!! Fortunately I DID remember the CO's name (he was a new one) and he actually knew and had worked with this person in the past. But when all was said and done, he still was trying to get me to come to their meetings. WASN'T IT ENOUGH that I was attending (at the time) WITH my family???? Apparently they were just concerned with owning me as a publisher, even though their records no longer had me as being THERE.
Wow...sorry, I guess I got off on a tangent there LOL
Bottom line, I'd say either a) don't turn any time in at all and just see what happens, as chances are they might not be very aggressive OR b) turn in a time slip with a big fat 0 on it, like a few of us have done on several occassions. Turning in even an empty slip gets them off your back about "reporting" because you DID turn something in. But depending on the aggressiveness of your body of elders, you can possibly just get away with doing nothing, like I did.