It makes my stomach churn now knowing how much I trusted them with our family's lives...
Loz x
i believe one of the harder pills for an unbeliever to swallow would be the idea of being in submission to the body of elders.
we're just not used to the concept of a clergyman having authority over us in matters that are not spiritual and, even then, i know for a fact that many a catholic will not do was the priest wants without any fear of being excommunicated.
i suppose this is something you just have to accept if you're a jw.
It makes my stomach churn now knowing how much I trusted them with our family's lives...
Loz x
there always seemed to be some witnesses who seemed to be in it for the social aspect of it.
the ones who planned most of the gatherings and trips.
and the ones who got invited to the parties two states away.
I was in the thick of it for a long time...pioneering, invited onto the quickbuild purchasing team, wife of a busy MS and pioneer, son in Bethel, 3 kids aux pioneering, items on assemblies, volunteer sisters talks and demos...dozens of RVs...lots of studies...hospitality every other week for a mixed crowd from the name it...
I couldnt stand nepotism, favouritism or hypocrisy...I hated the lovelessness... I would fight verbally for the ones like White Dove (dreadful treatment of you there hun) and the poorer and older bros and sis was only a question of time really until I made too many waves...if you dont play the game you gain enemies in there....
Loz x
i was just wondering how a jehovah's witness would answer this.. in john 5:22, the nwt states:.
"the father judges no one, but has committed all the judging to the son".
in rev 18:8, the nwt states:.
Herein lies the dilemma for me...these opposing arguments!! John 14 v 28 says 'the father is greater than I am' and the Catholic Encyclopaedia admits the trinity idea was only developed in the 4th century...and Jesus was SENT he said so repeatedly.... which by implication confirms a SENDER...he also insisted he was only the SON of god....and he continually urged followers to love and pray to his father who he was returning to so how can he be a trinity????
I am serious ...please help if you can ...I'd really like to see a reasoned and acceptable argument for the trinity if anyone has one?
Loz x
i'm curious, because in my 40's i felt like a million dollars.
i am starting to feel it,....i just don't have the stamina of working in the yard all day, coming in making dinner and getting the laundry done at the same time, or working full time.. i see the years in my face when i don't get enough sleep, and no amount of makeup makes a difference.
my eyes seem to always look tired.
Lol @ some of these...I'm 57 and remember a friend telling me that the deterioration accelerated after 53...I thought 'surely not?' at the time but damn it she was soooo right...physically its a floody nightmare...... but ...since leaving the org and meeting the love of my life ...I've moved to the best UK Northern city and life is so exciting and enjoyable...Uni as a mature student is wonderful...and from somewhere I've found this incredible sense of humour that I've stifled for years......good times !
Loz xx
i and another semi former witless (he's inactive and doesn't actually believe any of the bs) were having a conversation over some beer last night and watchtower land came up into discussion.
i told him that at some point, long before i actually stopped being physically present at the meetings i just knew that i wouldn't be a dub forever.
i remember the fact that i did not even want to admit this to myself and i spent a long long time denying the thought and trying to reestablish "the truth" in my mind.
I just could feel my joy ebbing away day by day from around 1998 onwards...and everything I tried to recapture it failed...meetings that I used to love became a drudge with endless WT material and fewer scriptures...
Loz x
i have done this thread a long time ago , but a few newbies have joined recently and may have had some experiances to share , there was 2 in the congregation i was involved with (i was a "study" ) one was from bethel in america and got deported after his prison sentence and the other was reprooved for abuse then carried on abusing in the congregation , years later he abused my daughter and after i found out i reported him to the police , but he had got off "scot free" for 20 years untill i reported him .
i believe the one from bethel was reported to the police simply because elders kids were affected ..
There was a PO of a neighbouring congregation who stepped down when he went through a divorce and moved into ours. He did lots of sports etc with our youngsters.He was often round at our home. My sons went on a camping trip with others with him. While they were away I got a bad feeling and drove miles and brought my sons home. A couple of years later he was found guilty of sexual assault on a minor.
In another cong I was in there was an elder, a right pain in the rear, so self righteous. His young step daughter suddenly went off the rails in her teens, next it came out he'd been abusing her. Then it came out that he'd also abused 2 of his younger sisters. This highly respected elder & pioneer had been at it for years and years. Disgraceful. He went to prison.
On the quick build team I was involved with there was a an elder who had oversight of security, and I was on his team. This elder was prominently on the assembly platform etc. He was abusing 2 of his daughters who eventually rang Childline and when the police went to his home with search warrant they broke into a locked room and found a ton of child porn etc. He went to prison.
When I saw the thread I thought 'well we didnt have any...' and then I started to remember...bad isnt it? Now I'm concerned that any of them could be on offence to others though...
Loz x
mark 12:24-27. forget answering the question about who marries who, but the statements he said....."is not this why you are mistaken, your not knowing the scriptures or the power of god?
" "but concerning the dead, that they are raised up, did you not read in the book of moses, in the account about the thornbush, how god said to him, 'i am the god of abraham and god of isaac and god of jacob'?
he is a god, not of the dead, but of the living.
Doesnt it go on 'for they are all living to Him' ? I havent checked its what I seem to recall...which alters the meaning somewhat for witness terms it meant that even while asleep in Hades people were 'alive' to Jehovah ...nowadays I'd need to ponder on what I feel it means if not that....sorry not much of an answer is it ?
Loz x
i got up to the point where i spoke about my daughter.. so in 2007 i was stopped from seeing my daughter by my ex-wife with the help of her good standing jw family.. my mother is still a jw and remains as one.
we both suffered lies and slander perpretrated by this family which continues to this day.
in late 2007 i was cleared of any wrong doing and i retained a relationship with my daughter.
Thanks for sharing your experiences ...I remember seeing so many good men held back while others were 'made up' seemingly against bible qualifications....and the worse of it was that while they tried to deal with the rejection over and over they were told that if it upset them it meant they had wrong motives!! and then along would come another WT urging them to 'reach out' yet very cruel and insulting for grown men doing their best.... all the best to you with you new family ...
Loz x
a few months have passed since my relationship with my wife took a turn for the worse.
yesterday i finally questioned her about what she wants as for the future.
i know she will always stick with the wts, no matter what.
Teel...I want to hold out some hope to you...when you talk about your wife you could be talking about me a few years ago...I remember telling my kids 'if the elders said we should go to the hall in pink pyjamas then thats what we'd do'....I played the kingdom songs all the time and even on my keyboard....and even after leaving the org I couldnt see how they could be wrong...and I couldnt imagine ever thinking differently...but hey ho here I am...and I recently married an atheist too...
Sadly I have many many regrets that I got involved in it at all..its cost me all my children...
Loz x
it's a word that you may not hear very often so i want to add the definition as it appears in my webster's dictionary.. .
acedia- "1. an onset of distaste for and boredom with all religious practices 2.spiritual sloth or apathy,esp.
that resulting.
Still giggling about the ointment ha ha ....sorry
Loz x