I just watched a movie about me, my life, my philosophies, my personality, my experiences, my issue......
I'm totally spooked........I feel like someone wrote my life story and knew every detail.....every word out of my mouth.
i just watched a movie about me, my life, my philosophies, my personality, my experiences, my issue....... i'm totally spooked........i feel like someone wrote my life story and knew every detail.....every word out of my mouth.. unreal..
I just watched a movie about me, my life, my philosophies, my personality, my experiences, my issue......
I'm totally spooked........I feel like someone wrote my life story and knew every detail.....every word out of my mouth.
when still in the watchtower, i used to be an assistant ministerial servant.
true, there is no such title but its there unofficially for those one step to being a ministerial servant.
been with it for about three years.
I was an MS for 6 years
Elder for 11 years
Convention talks, KM School instructor, Public Talks, Memorial, weddings, memorials, WT conductor for 8 years, ....did all the other jobs too
I'm in my early 40's and trying to figure it all out. Lost a marriage (not really a loss to be honest; married as teenagers)....... trying to figure out if I want another relationship.....KNOW that I don't with a JW girl.....
Fade for over a year..... they are starting to catch on....sending emails, notes on Facebook, texts, etc. Just disconnected my phone and got a new number.
a couple of young people about 20years old,,,,were involved with each....they went too far with the being alone situation....not sure if they reported themselves or some one else did...reguardless.....i guess the elders asked both of them extremely embarrassing questions and very very personal ones...like what kind of underwear she wore,,,,,did she have an orgasm.....etc etc..... i do not understand why this is done?????
they went too far,,,acknowledged it,,,,met with the elders...why the deep personal questions??
they already had all the information they needed...... i should know these things,,,being in the borg for 30 years...but i don't,,,i really do not understand why????
I shut down fellow elders that pulled this stuff. Some of these guys have problems with porn as well....... then they get into this type of questioning.
Its insane.....
I would tell anyone thinking about enduring a judicial committee to RUN.... don't even think about it.
every friday at my job, i hear the usual.
"its friday!!
" "i'll be better in three more hours!!
My JW schedule as an elder:
Monday: Prepare Theo School Part
Tuesday: Prepare Service Meeting Part
Wednesday: Give both parts
Thursday: Study for Book Study
Friday: Study for WT Study
Saturday: Conduct Book Study; lead group in service
Sunday: Conduct WT Study
Week after week after week after week, while watching my fellow elders skip out of parts to go on vacations, etc. Throw in the almost monthly judicial committee meetings I was chairing for 10 years........and I wonder why I feel lost??
I now sleep until 10 on Saturdays, watch football all day on Sundays.........but still have no social life due to having no 'friends' since I've walked away.
Yeah........weekends have an all new meaning for me.
i attended one day of a two day assembly and did ok until the very last talk.
the brother was from bethal and well jw's pay closer attention to their talks, cause that is when some new info is given,,,right.
well anyways i lost focus and began to daydream, cause it became one of those talks that just talks about wasting time.
LOL...."out of the mouth of babes"
Amazing how an entire auditorium filled with adults cant' see what a child sees........
No wonder children loved Jesus.......he was real......and simple......
What a bunch of crap. Next up: how to wipe your butt.
the watchtower has been known for over 130 years as a great scriptural cherry-picker.
they pick out disparate unrelated verses and combine them to support the wackiest of wacky doctrines.. on the other hand there are many scriptures they almost never address, whether because they contradict wt doctrine or because they simply don't have a clue what they mean or how to spin them to the wt advantage.. one of these is revelation 19:1 that mentions a "great crowd" "in heaven.
" the only time it is ever brought up it is dismissed.
The most overlooked scriptures by most JW's:
6:10) . . .Really, then, as long as we have time favorable for it, let us work what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to [us] in the faith.LOL LOL LOL.........I've never seen a meaner group of people in my life. Gossip, slander, lying....and DFing...........
LOL, LOL.....you've got to be kidding me????? No one judges other people like JW's.
7:1-2) . . ."Stop judging that YOU may not be judged; 2 for with what judgment YOU are judging, YOU will be judged; and with the measure that YOU are measuring out, they will measure out to YOU.(Romans
BAHAHAHAHAAH........from publisher to elders.........you can be ruined as a JW in mere seconds. From sideburns, to college, to the fabric of a woman's skirt........you're getting judge every single second.
...and finally, here is the scripture I read to my fellow elder at the door in field service....I asked him if he believed in the Bible...that it was inspired.....he said yes............after enduring his blather and gossip:
9:4-5) . . ."Guard yourselves each one against his own companion, and put YOUR trust in no brother at all. For even every brother would positively supplant, and every companion himself would walk around as a mere slanderer, 5 and they keep trifling each one with his companion; and they speak no truth at all. They have taught their tongue to speak falsehood. They have tired themselves out merely in doing wrong.The look on his face will be forever etched on my brain. Priceless. I just grinned at him and never returned.
do you regret not having said it since you can't be afforded the opportunity now?.
Most publishers would be mortified what happens to their letters. They are often passed around and shrugged off....or, depending on the elder, he reads them and trashes them.
One of my last elders meeting, the CO made a gesture showing crumpling of a letter and throwing into a trash can. He could see me just shaking my head.
I honestly don't know why people bother to write letters to the elders. I served for 11 years.....the great majority could care less about any letters. Most don't read them. Those that do make sarcastic remarks and move on......ESPECIALLY if you're DF'd.......now you're just viewed as a 'so what'.....
I've told my family and closest friends that if they sat in on an elders meeting.......they would never consider going to them with anything. I even know elders that TEACH their families NOT to go to elders. They know how bad it is........
when i was a loyal dub, i have turned down some gorgeous women.
Divorced, single elder.
I was offered affairs by 5 married sisters at different times.
Yeah, you read that right.
Living proof that JW sisters are the only good women on earth. LOL LOL..........
I'm still a bitter and disillusioned due to these 'girls'......
i believe one of the harder pills for an unbeliever to swallow would be the idea of being in submission to the body of elders.
we're just not used to the concept of a clergyman having authority over us in matters that are not spiritual and, even then, i know for a fact that many a catholic will not do was the priest wants without any fear of being excommunicated.
i suppose this is something you just have to accept if you're a jw.
As a former elder of many years...........the only Holy Spirit available is through His Word the Bible. ==1 Tim. 3:15, 16
Once you have served and heard/watched what some of these guys do...... you're deeply disturbed.
i have noticed a lot of newbies lately.
(i also noticed that after being absent for a year happy1975 is making a return visit.).
so, if you are a brand spanking newbie, post here and tell us a little about your interests, your state, your new direction in life, your favorite things, whatever you want to say---this is your thread.. .
Great thread.
I'm a newbie. Admittedly, still shy about posting too much about myself. I'm working up to it.......
Long time elder. I've had every privilege a man can have in the organization.....from Memorials, to speaking at conventions....weddings, chaired more JC's than I can count, etc. etc.
I couldn't take the gross lack of love anymore. And its not just 'a little lack'.....its a total lack. Between no love for 'widows and orphans', to the mass corruption among elders, to the living breathing Pharisaical spirit.........I just walked away. I'm in total fade for about a year now.....people still think I'm attending (just not as an elder) across town. I've walked away. I warned my family and that was it............FFFFAAAAAAAADDDDDDE
Crisis of Conscience turned my heart upside down. Malawi is so disturbing to me.....I can't put words to it. I was just a little guy praying and praying for those people.....they were always on my mind......now I know what really happened and it makes me physically ill.
We ignore and ignore the very premise of Christianity: LOVE. JW's judge people and are by far and away the worst gossips/slanderers I've ever encountered.
I'm still very, very angry. Angry that I was given the same love that I extended to so many. Angry that as a guy in his 40's I have no college education and I live check to check....and in FEAR of losing my job.
Now I'm just getting pissed.......