The opening paragraph of every single KM question and answer part...starting with a reference to 1 Tim. 3:1
The brother who has not right teaching, that instead, just fills the entire study with volunteers reading every cited scripture in the lesson.
A paragraph in the Revelation book being verses from the Bible..........followed by a question like "so what does Rev. 4:4 say?" Ummmmmmmm.....we just read it.
The beginning of every demonstration part at the assembly beginning with a blow by blow biography of the person being interviewed. It sounded like they were reading off the back of a football card. I thought we weren't supposed to let our left hand know what our right hand was doing????
Parts glorifying the guy that didn't go to college, his nerdy, mal-adjusted kids, as well as his wife, who drives around in a mini-van all day knocking on the doors of empty homes.
Watching a CHILD.....get baptized.