Not sure I understand the question...... but I do NOT believe that the man 'gets off' on a JC. Quite the opposite......especially if the sister is 'pretty'.......she is going to skate.
The most popular excuse for why they do what they do ......"I'm mentally abused"
NOTE: there are very, very nice girls associated with JW's......I BLEED for them......they stay single; with the hope that a great guy will be available after Armageddon. It BREAKS MY HEART
My comment is for the low quality of character that is RAMPANT among married JW women. They flirt, cheat, lie and slander their husbands to each other. I stand by it......... I've never been so sickened by a group of people. They have NO loyalty to their husbands. They air dirty family laundry and openly sit in 'car groups' laughing about how they aren't going to ever give their husbands sex again.
I've heard it. I've sat on the committees. You can argue all you want.....but until you've spent night after night after phone call after phone call dealing with it as an 'elder'......... you're not going to know how bad it is.