Do you know where I can find that quote on porn leading to homosexuality?? That is hilarious!!
or so claims every jw i've ever met.
porn also makes you turn into a sexual deviant who is likely to become a homosexual, rapist or peadofile.. .
porn has specail powers that once viewed allows the demons to get into your mind and start controling it!!.
Do you know where I can find that quote on porn leading to homosexuality?? That is hilarious!!
this is my new book on my to read list.
has anyone read it or heard of it.
Elders are very often the worst gossips in a congregation
i see a few want to believe in the watchtower's view of bible prophecy, scriptural understandings and the view that the "anointed remnant" dispense the "spiritual food at the proper time".. how would you refute those views?.
LOL @ Found Sheep
I was the book study overseer THREE TIMES for the Revelation Climax Book..... that thing is the biggest pile of crap ever written. Its our 'generations'.....did I just use that word?.....version of the Finished Mystery.
I swear a group got together from the Writing Department, smoked a bowl, hammered down several bottles of wine.....and wrote that thing. know.....John was on Patmos talking about bowls.....and they meant Kingdom Tract no. 12 in the 20th century.
Come on people.....I conducted that thing....THREE TIMES..... I'm embarrassed!
brother d. left his wife for a different women, after twenty six years it was time to call it quits.
brother d serving as an elder, hid the fact he had a girlfriend with benefits.
brother d's best friend, elder (child molester elder x.
I wish they would stalk me.....
I'd kick their @$$ so fast......
have anyone of you read, the absolutly jaw dropping paragraph in this article about a women who was hit by her husband?
its in page 25 of the 2/15/12 wt study edition (i read the dumbed down version).. .
if there was any question, that the watchtowers stance is for wives to simply take it when their husbands abuse them, this makes it crystal clear.. who the hell is scanning these things before they go to print?
That is one of the sickest things I've ever seen in a WT
I'm speechless....and desperately want to beat the living hell out of the writer
i recently started questioning my beliefs and i am not happy with what i found out.
i am married to a born in who admits that wtbs has some problems.
one of his favorite scriptures to quote is psalms 146:3 to "not put your trust in nobles", including the so called fds.
Thats right N.Drew
If it were TRULY about people.....about lives......they would be having MASSIVE, EXTENSIVE campaigns to bring back lost sheep.....people who left when they figured out they were wrong, lying, etc.
They don't even give a sh*t about DF'd people, much less those that drifted away.
Anyone who reads Ezekiel 34 will see a direct application to the WTBS..... they are living proof that human lives, individuals, precious souls.....mean jack sh*t to them...........
The WTBS strips life of its most precious, Christian quality: .....motive......
i recently started questioning my beliefs and i am not happy with what i found out.
i am married to a born in who admits that wtbs has some problems.
one of his favorite scriptures to quote is psalms 146:3 to "not put your trust in nobles", including the so called fds.
Okay....they are imperfect.....lets go with that.
WHAT have they done to go back to each and every door they've preached at that this generation would not pass away before the end had come?
Have the retrieved the people that left due to KNOWING the doctrine was wrong? apologized and welcomed them back?
If not....doesn't that make them blood guilty by their OWN standards?
They are a joke. They could care less about human beings. Its all about them.
you learn something new in the kingdom hall every week.... .
i told an elder that i'm not going out in field service yet but god knows why that is and it's between him and i (translation: jehovahs witnesses are not the truth and it's a colossal waste of time) and i assume the elder took it to mean i want to do it but can't for some reason because he said "jehovah doesn't know that though.
he has to see you out there in field service to know that you're serious.
...well yeah....but I bet he can get 10 hours in field service....3 of those being Starbucks 'breaks'...
Yeah....JW elders are real brilliant. Not.
so i was reading ahead in the bookstudy book "bearing thorough witness" about god's kingdom, and i came upon some shockingly direct damage control on behalf of the gb in the material for the upcoming weeks.. on page 104: what a privilege it is to be instructed and molded by our patient and kind heavenly father!
the results are always good and always to our advantage.
so let us never proudly push ahead with our own ideas or react negatively to organizational changes or to adjusted explanations of certain scriptures.
Aren't they something?
"Look at the puppet....look at the puppet"
with all of the legal mumbo jumbo and technicalties that the organization uses (recently brought to light in the australian case), i couldn't help but wonder what power the "no longer one of jehovah's witnesses" really has or even means from a technical standpoint, since the organization is so technical.
we know what it means when the announcement is made, but in reality, so-and-so never really belonged to any of the groups in the first place.
the law says that association or membership is voluntary, therefore the organization has the right to expel and shun someone for not following the guidelines expected of members.. what are the rank and file members of?.
Consider the irony of no longer being a Jehovah's Witness.....yet, to return to being one, you have to act like one......when you're not other words, what does it matter what you're doing when you're not a JW...... you're NOT a JW!!!!
But try to explain that to a reinstatement committee.
Its all coo coo for cocoa puffs.