Where do you live White Dove?? That sounds like a nasty neighborhood
why's it so hard to find them?
it seems like everyone i see around me smokes: my apartments, every job i've ever had, people on the streets.
finding a quality guy that smells good and has a functioning brain not strung out on drugs or alcohol every week is hard to find..
Where do you live White Dove?? That sounds like a nasty neighborhood
first of all, i have no intentions of confessing any thing to a committee!
but i've got the goods on my ex-father-in-law that will get him disfellowshipped.
i don't normally go around doing that kind of thing, but he lied and had another elder lie trying to get me disfellowshipped when ever my wife walked out on my seven-year-old son and 10-year-old daughter to fly from al to ny to be with a man she met on the internet.
As a former elder....... take this advice: walk away.
Its very, very corrupt.....I could tell you story after story just like yours. You're honestly wasting your time........its all a crapshoot. Even if you get an honest elder that WANTS to do what is right..... the other guys will over ride him.
You can't win with these guys. The best thing you can do is go out and live the best life for you possible......
i guess i should tell my story.
i'm a born in.
both parents are jw, they did the pioneer serve where the need is great thing.
You are not alone!!!! I'm a little older than you are (42), but are stories are VERY similar. Only I was an elder.
I will drop you a PM so I don't write too much here....but just know that you're not alone. I too feel completely lost.....with waves of rage. I got a call yesterday that the third MS I've known killed himself. This is the third brother in the last year or two that has done this.
There is no justice in the organization.....its all about protecting their assets, etc. I'm so sorry you endured that........I too had a negligent father ...only now am I realizing the repurcussions....
i remember when i first started questioning the wts/jws.
there were so many scandals and teachings and history to explore and research.
i needed to learn everything i could about every little inconsistency, every mistake, every scandal in order to convince myself that i was on the correct path to freedom from this false religion.
My god.......this thread is making me emotional.
I truly want to punch someone. Or throw up.........
We were all duped. And they have never apologized.
How can people be fooled by this???
then 1 thessalonians 5 read about 'peace and security'.
the speakers instructed not to embellish the statements.. 'noble sentiments' was mentioned about the un charter but no criticism.. followed by the need for god's kingdom.. it sounded more like an advert for the un to me.
did anyone else hear it?
No one I've talked to said anything like this was read......
are you single and looking for a soul mate?
or do you consider yourself to be available?
please, declare on this thread..
Single. Recently broke up with a 'sister'......decided it was time to get away from all of it.
Not sure if I'm looking......
But I do love the single life.....
today i was remembering how angry i used to get at the meetings and all the little irritations that in the end would just make my blood boil these included:.
prayers that go on foreverstudy or wt conductors still taking comments when its clear that the point has been covered 20 times alreadymeetings over running by more than 5 minsmy favourite was this one elder who would play guess the point i am thinking of.
he would keep rephrasing the question from the wt until someone would bring up the point he was thinking of.
The opening paragraph of every single KM question and answer part...starting with a reference to 1 Tim. 3:1
The brother who has not right teaching, that instead, just fills the entire study with volunteers reading every cited scripture in the lesson.
A paragraph in the Revelation book being verses from the Bible..........followed by a question like "so what does Rev. 4:4 say?" Ummmmmmmm.....we just read it.
The beginning of every demonstration part at the assembly beginning with a blow by blow biography of the person being interviewed. It sounded like they were reading off the back of a football card. I thought we weren't supposed to let our left hand know what our right hand was doing????
Parts glorifying the guy that didn't go to college, his nerdy, mal-adjusted kids, as well as his wife, who drives around in a mini-van all day knocking on the doors of empty homes.
Watching a CHILD.....get baptized.
why did you do it?
i have done it on several occasions.
You're right Scott....
Although, I think they are just more interested in how they can slander you to all the other 'brothers'....... they just love to get some 'dirt'.....what else are they going to talk about in field service LOL
why did you do it?
i have done it on several occasions.
Bizarre.....I was thinking of sitting down tonight and deleting all my JW friends and BLOCKING them too.....
I can't come to a decision as to whether its best to leave them on there and ignore them.....or delete them. Its getting around that I've disappeared.
I had one notorious gossip email me on FB to ask if "it was true.....I'm hearing rumors" .......LOL, I hit the delete button.
I'm still debating what to do; but would love to delete a bunch of them......
why did you do it?
i have done it on several occasions.
Oh.....and I started ignoring all JW friend requests about 3 months ago. I just delete them, block them or ignore them.