LOL EmptyInside.......
....its actually true, there are a lot of divorced 'bros' out West......Most of us in our 30's and 40's
Maybe we should start another forum for ex JW singles.....
almost all woman want to get married and have children.
if you are a faithful jw woman there is a good chance this will never happen.
70% of jw are woman and 30% are men.
LOL EmptyInside.......
....its actually true, there are a lot of divorced 'bros' out West......Most of us in our 30's and 40's
Maybe we should start another forum for ex JW singles.....
almost all woman want to get married and have children.
if you are a faithful jw woman there is a good chance this will never happen.
70% of jw are woman and 30% are men.
Not sure I understand the question...... but I do NOT believe that the man 'gets off' on a JC. Quite the opposite......especially if the sister is 'pretty'.......she is going to skate.
The most popular excuse for why they do what they do ......"I'm mentally abused"
NOTE: there are very, very nice girls associated with JW's......I BLEED for them......they stay single; with the hope that a great guy will be available after Armageddon. It BREAKS MY HEART
My comment is for the low quality of character that is RAMPANT among married JW women. They flirt, cheat, lie and slander their husbands to each other. I stand by it......... I've never been so sickened by a group of people. They have NO loyalty to their husbands. They air dirty family laundry and openly sit in 'car groups' laughing about how they aren't going to ever give their husbands sex again.
I've heard it. I've sat on the committees. You can argue all you want.....but until you've spent night after night after phone call after phone call dealing with it as an 'elder'......... you're not going to know how bad it is.
almost all woman want to get married and have children.
if you are a faithful jw woman there is a good chance this will never happen.
70% of jw are woman and 30% are men.
Odrade.....I stand by whatever I posted. And I've documented all of my own experiences to cover my own ass. Its not made up... "bitter driven" or 'ego driven'....
And yes, its all true.....I feel NO reason to prove it to you or anyone else. This is not a blanket comment on "all" women.....If I didn't make that clear, I apologize.
But for those that haven't experienced it, you won't ever or ever.
There are single brothers ..... a handful in my own area of the world..... that keep the emails, texts, etc. from these 'great JW girls'...... its ALL provable and not some 'bitter men's club'....... good god, look at how many people are getting DF'd for wife swapping (Needs of the Circuit Talk in our area two weekends ago) and adultery. Guess what..........its mostly the SISTERS.
This may not be true in your region.....but its VERY true on the West Coast of the U.S. Its an epidemic.... even the "Org" knows it...... dozens of congregations in this area are having Local Needs parts on it.........there is a huge undercurrent of women in their 20's - 40's that are cheating like crazy on their husbands.
This has nothing to do with misgony....this has to do with feminism, the Bible's own prophecy on the Jezebel influence, ridiculously young marriages and a media age that has women in a general state of dissatisfaction.
I stand by it.
almost all woman want to get married and have children.
if you are a faithful jw woman there is a good chance this will never happen.
70% of jw are woman and 30% are men.
Its one of the saddest things in that entire organization. I feel TERRIBLE for most of those nice girls that would like to meet a good guy.....
Something for the guys to think about: JW girls are the worst girls I've ever met. Entitled, slanderous, derogatory......all in the name of God. Its like a poor man's country club for bitches. Yeah, I said it. The married ones are among the worst......they know NOTHING about their own 'religion'..... they got their husbands over barrels, treating them like garbage....all the while knowing he is STUCK or will have to get DF'd and humiliated to get away from her.
I cant' even begin to tell you about the elder's wives that refuse to have sex. There are elders in their 30's that haven't had sex in YEARS. The wife laughs...... she knows he can't do anything about it....unless he wants to lose everything.
At one time I had EIGHT married "sisters" wanting to fool around.........yeah, you read that right.
This doesn't even cover how horrible a lot of these women are to their children......gross neglect, etc.
If I were a guy....I would RUUUUUUN from JW women........they are honestly the worst collection of non-character women in the least in the U.S.
sorry if this starts off as a kind of a downer.. i am 29, and my husband and i have stopped going to meetings since last october.
we live in mexico and used to attend the english.
long story short, after realizing how many much we've been lied to we stopped going to our meetings, moved out of the territory, switched to spanish, and after a month of attending just vanished.
Hi HereIam,
I'm a newbie here too......experiencing many of the same emotions. You're very normal....and everyone here has been very welcoming.
I am seeing a therapist....if possible, I really recommend it....welcome :)
mine is the yearner position.. .
fetus position - a whopping 41% of participants sleep in this curled-up manner.
women are twice as likely to rest like this and it is listed as the most common position.
Ha...I posted this on my FB today.....
i was just reading the boe letter dated june 7, 2006 regarding pornography.
here's an excerpt that made me go "hmmmmm".. next, the body of elders should determine whether the brother still qualifies to serve.
he may continue to serve if his involvement consisted of (1) a few brief viewings, (2) he displays a heartfelt desire to desist from looking at pornography in any form, (3) the elders are convinced that he will refrain from viewing pornography, (4) he continues to retain the respect of others who are aware of what he did, and (5) his conscience allows him to do so.
LOL LOL......I was at KM School for this doozy. I remember I just looked up and closed my Flock book.....I couldn't believe how absurd we had become.
My only thought was " what do we do if his wife wants to watch it with him???"
I was waiting for a part explaining how to wipe my butt
Do what I did.....hit 'ignore' then block him.....
since we have a lot of canadian friends on this board, i have to ask - who are your favorite canadian bands?.
mine is rush.
they have been one of my favorite bands ever since i can remember.. they totally rule........the music and lyrics are all top notch.. the other one is the tea party - jeff martin is a genius.
Theory of a Deadman
I've loved these guys the past 3 years.......fantastic!
You're right thetrueone,
I often just laugh at them. I was dating a 'fringe' sister..... lets just say she isn't 'chaste'..... but she would be all over me about 'getting back to meetings'...........
.....I was like 'huh?".......
They are absolutely clueless. Their presence is a complete waste of time. Its amazing how many of them are living completely different lives outside that KH.