I guess it depends on your personality.
I do treat any woman I'm in a relationship with like that.
"in a relationship i want to be adored and worshiped.
i want to be the only woman in existence for my man.
I guess it depends on your personality.
I do treat any woman I'm in a relationship with like that.
i got the jw "bug" as a teenager.
witnesses called at our door when i was nearly 11. my parents are deaf and i was the oldest hearing child, the default interpreter for them in that era before relay services and professional interpreters.
they had no interest in jws, but it started to spark an interest in me.
This post was VERY timely for me. At 42, I AM BITTER AND ANGRY.......I gave it all to 'elderhood'......and now: no education.
THANK YOU.......I'm going to get off my butt
Jesus gave exactly ONE sign of those that were his TRUE followers: "the love they have among themselves" John 13:34,35
Been to a KH lately?
There is no love. Just lying, backbiting, control and slander........... and thats just the elders.
I walked. Never going back.
1 Cor. 13:1
hey jwn singles.
i was just reading mr flippers tahoe thread which involves alot of couples and families.
we need a fun weekend for singles!
Ha.....that sounds fun......
As a single male..... what have I got to lose....
Does anyone know??
as the conventions started today in my home state, i can't help but think of the hundreds of jw young people that i know who are still single, esp those over 25. it's really sad that for so many this is their only chance of finding somebody to date.
some that i know have even crossed over into their 30's, and they go year after year, always talking about the possibility of meeting someone special.. the organization literally controls their minds, and dating and marriage to a non-jw is out of the question.
it's so sad that so many have missed out on their life's dreams of having a family and companionship.
LOL....this BANE guy is hilarious.
Bane, Bane, Bane......don't even attempt to compare your wife to the women here. The majority of witness girls are complete trainwrecks due to being taught to be entitled, look for a guy with a 'title', not take care of themselves and no education.
I've never seen so much cheating by married women as I saw as a long time elder in the "Truth".......if they weren't cheating, they were laughing at their husbands for actually wanting sex.
You're delusional.
As for being single in the Truth.....its a private hell for both genders. Its particularly hard on those good sisters who would like to meet a normal 'brother'....... good luck......most of these guys would rather be playing video games in their underwear or go to the other extreme by being overbearing drill sargents.
Being single in the organization is a private death sentence.
to keep every jw on the same page about the new light on extending the generation to mammoth's lengths of time the gb will no doubt be squashing any open criticism,, even the old cronies at bethel will looking differently at the gb when that starts happening.
even the most hardcore believer will be looking at the governing body in a "new light".
I agree with Blondie.
Most have NEVER understood the 'doctrine' to begin with.
I sat with an anointed brother and talked 'generation' for hours last weekend. He didn't even understand it.....oh, and he is part of the 'faithful and discreet slave' that is supposed to be feeding people like me.
The majority just show up at the Kingdom Hall, never learn anything, never study and are never able to explain why they are Jehovah's Witnesses.
For someone that put their heart and soul into the faith....its really painful to learn that most never listen to the talks, study or ever consider anything deeper than ".......well, the Society said it"
This will blow over. Why? Because none of them ever stop to consider TRUTH......
i'll tell you what i just can't get.. how the hell can anyone cry wolf as many times as the witnesses have without huge repercussions afterward?
i don't get it.. "the end is sooooooooo sooooooooooo close and you better get back to the organization for protection before it is too late!!!".
have they no shame???.
I recently sat with one of my closest friends....and threw out the Generation teaching.
He had no clue what I was talking about.....or what happened in 1919
I am DAILY.....and I do mean DAILY amazed that the VAST MAJORITY OF JW's know NOTHING about their faith. Absolutely nothing.
It just blows my mind!!!!!
i'm admitting to be very pissed off.....and bitter.
i'm sick of having no job security (i know its relative), but mostly because i did not go to college....... has anyone gone back to school post 40?
how was the experience?
Thanks everyone.....you're all VERY inspiring.....this is exactly the feedback I was hoping to read
Yknot.....I will PM you
This is a great group of people.....and great job to each of you for just 'going for it'.....
I'm still working on not wanting to punch someone in the head for taking my youth :)
i mailed my letter of disassociation three months ago.
no response.
i saw a friend(was once?
Shamus....... I too was deluded ...being the congregation 'favorite'.....boy you sure learn fast that NO ONE could give a shit about you.
I literally disappeared. I never received one call.....on visit. Nothing.
Its a ridiculous joke that they say they are 'loving'......