If you're here to avoid controversy......how did the JWs take the news that if they go to Disneyland, they can no longer be Jehovah's friend?
when there are hundreds of thousands of toys in the market, why buy your child the magical toy?..
If you're here to avoid controversy......how did the JWs take the news that if they go to Disneyland, they can no longer be Jehovah's friend?
Have they stopped doing what they are doing?
Have they shown remorse?
apostates are desperately looking for a meme-.
from sparlock to candace conti, nobody knows what your next meme would be, you guys should really seek professional help, cos it doesnt make any sense.. .
LOL LOL Mr. Facts doesn't seen the irony in a 'peace loving' JW coming to an 'apostate' board and insulting people. I guess he doesn't realize he is living proof of what most JW's are......
Thank you Mr. Facts...I got a very healthy laugh after reading your post.
I'd like to thank you for how you "continue loving your enemies and doing good" -- Luke 6;35
Run along now....the 'faithful and discreet slave' just announced the sky is orange.... you need to share this new light in your territory!!!
I handled a case like this.
Imagine how upset my fellow 'elders' were when I told them if people wanted to mess around, they'd do it with you IN the car.......how did I know? Because several people I know were down each other's pants/skirts...WHILE IN SERVICE.....with a book or coat conveniently laying across their laps.
They don't get it. They never will.
As I read this thread.....I'm just sick at some of these stories. You can multiply them by 1,000.....
What has to be said here is that a lot of people who are JWs are really not very good people. Some of them are terrible.
To go knock on doors while your 'brother' is in the hospital, then slander him by saying he had a transfusion? Lets just cut to the chase: awful people. (Galatians 6:10)
Some of them are exactly where they should be.
to see twenty issues of the rarest of the rare wts endorsed pamphlets (or brochures), click on the link above and then scroll down the column on the left of the page to the date 1924 - 1925 where you will find listed the words, .
the broadcaster - wts endorsed-must read *new*.
Awesome stuff Barbara!!!
Ohhh, the Judge....he sure liked the ladies, huh?
The reason has been discovered why so
many of the first children born to immigrants
after they arrive in America are
criminals. The mothers are disturbed, everything
is new and strange and difficult,
and they have to work too hard. To make
the lot of these mothers easier is an act of
truest charity and truest sentiment. Every
discovery of science proves that mothers
cannot do more than care for the home
without danger to the next generation.
i'm just wondering what the whole apostate propaganda is all about?.
do you think you can do some sort of justice to the wt for the pains they have caused you?, what actualy are your motives?.
i dont get it.
Mr. Facts....have you read the Bible cover to cover?
the cats well and truly out of the bag and even the r&f are all going to know about it soon.. .
will they blame her?.
blame satan?.
They won't say a word.
They will say that Paul warned us there would be "wolves in sheeps clothing in our midst"..... not to be shocked, that Jehovah is still blessing them.
i'd like to hear from those who are currently elders or were formerly elders on your honest feelings about the charges brought against the society and their general policy in handling these matters.
do you think that the society handles child abuse accusations fairly?
or, do you think their policy is abusive?
I was assigned a symposium piece (I forget the year; early 2000's) at Kingdom Ministry School....teaching the elders how to deal with sexual crimes.
What stood out to me then, was that it was all about protecting the Society. There was almost no counsel given on how to help the victims recover or what it meant to the criminal or victim spiritually. It was all legal information.
They cover it. Plain and simple. They tell people without two witnesses, they will do nothing. The person continues on in the congregation around the children.
Its criminal. I hope the countless victims of this crime come forward and expose them for what they are.....but some of those victims are so damaged, they can barely function in life.
form the pro-jw site jwtalk.
this is such a ronald mcdonald court case.
i can't believe what i am reading.. lie: "the lawsuit alleged that watchtower had a policy that instructed elders in its jehovah's witnesses congregations to keep reports of child sex abusers within the religious group secret to avoid lawsuits.".
What a sad, sad state of affairs.
I actually taught the pedophile piece to my fellow elders at Kingdom Ministry School. The MASS majority of JWs have NO clue what the organization's policies are..... they never even inquire.
I wouldn't expect any of them to wake up to this. What you will see is a series of cliches flung around....more urban legends.....all in an effort to remove any responsiblity to an organization that will not identify pedophiles. The Society will drop a guy like a hot rock if he is even accused; he will stand on his own.
Why anyone would compare a religious organization......afterall, isn't the WTBS the "antitypical Ark"...... to Taco Bell, only shows the gross ignorance of your common publisher.
They understand almost NOTHING about this organization........