Summed up with a very simple, straightforward comment:
"......he died for ALL men...."
Not much wiggle room there......
mediator and the new covenant.
the society has taught that only the 144,000 are to par-take of the emblems and jesus only mediates and died for them.
"he is the mediator between his heavenly father, jehovah god, and the nation of spiritual israel, which is limited to only 144,000 members.
Summed up with a very simple, straightforward comment:
"......he died for ALL men...."
Not much wiggle room there......
speaker said we should not partake because when jesus arrives he will take the remnat to heaven and the memorial will be no more.
just as we will not partake then (because the memorial will not exist) it is only logical that we will not partake now.
warped logic at its finest!.
Just returned from going with my elderly mother.
Unbelievable. I don't know if I'm more shocked that I didn't lose it and start screaming......or that I seemed to be totally ambivalent.
I just looked around as they discussed how the Memorial will go away when the last person goes to heaven.........
Wait for it...........wait for it.........wait for it...............nope, no scripture. Just a bold assertion.
I couldn't even muster up indignation.........I just sat there numb looking at all these poor children and one woman in a wheel chair......just sucking it all in............without nary a protest.
My god its all so bizarre.
I wanted to yell out: "Soylent Green!!!!"
took one for the team tonight, and went along to the memorial.
my first time in a kingdom hall for just over a month.
it was as expected, dry, boring and extremely uninteresting.
I just returned....went with my mother (she is older and I want to see her happy)
First meeting I've been to in years.......imagine my surprise when I looked around and everyone was staring off into LaLa Land.....
These people aren't even listening
is it just me or are we seeing more and more of these guys?.
i have been having some extraordinary conversations with these folks lately and they are actually holding lengthy dialogues with me, one who has become "dangerous", is "poisonous", a "slanderer", etc.
according to wt.. here is one exchange from yesterday and today with a jw apologist who calls himself "warriorprince101010" who decided to call me the dreaded "a" word on one of my videos, stating that i was a "bitter apostate":.
I admire your tenacity....your will to even attempt communicating with them.
I just can't get the emotions to speak to people who choose to be ignorant, have never read their own Bible or studied their own literature.
i've been journaling a lot the past couple of was recommended to me by a therapist when my anger was boiling over.. so recently i decided to start an exercise: what would you tell them if they would listen?.
i've started listing my top 10 and it's interesting......i'm over all of the doctrinal insanity.....i'm forever indebted to the more scholarly among us that have put so much effort into research, writing, etc.!!!.
mine all focused on more 'human' subjects....emotions, pain, etc.
Thank you for each response......I'm collecting my thoughts on this subject and each of you gave me new things to think about.
I want to keep this thread alive and really consider everyone's thoughts....
i've been journaling a lot the past couple of was recommended to me by a therapist when my anger was boiling over.. so recently i decided to start an exercise: what would you tell them if they would listen?.
i've started listing my top 10 and it's interesting......i'm over all of the doctrinal insanity.....i'm forever indebted to the more scholarly among us that have put so much effort into research, writing, etc.!!!.
mine all focused on more 'human' subjects....emotions, pain, etc.
I've been journaling a lot the past couple of was recommended to me by a therapist when my anger was boiling over.
So recently I decided to start an exercise: what would you tell them if they would listen?
I've started listing my top 10 and it's interesting......I'm over all of the doctrinal insanity.....I'm forever indebted to the more scholarly among us that have put so much effort into research, writing, etc.!!!
Mine all focused on more 'human' subjects....emotions, pain, etc. The Bible passages flood into my mind on each one......just more proof of the hypocrisy of this insane cult.
But I'm curious......what would YOU share with someone....someone that had doubts, was skeptical or just in PAIN??
we have all read the most important books by ray franz and half a dozen of the other great books by various authors.....but does anyone know if there is a comprehensive book anywhere on how to escape the cult?.
We have all read the most important books by Ray Franz and half a dozen of the other great books by various authors.....but does anyone know if there is a comprehensive book anywhere on how to escape the cult?
very few people actually know this but the watchtower dvd faith in action is actually a tribute to freemasonry.
this dvd presents illustrations of several famous freemasons such as john coustos (a portuguese grand master from lisbon circa 1740).
the dvd actually presents two illustrations of coustos being tortured by the clergy while the anonymous narrator denounces historic abuse from the clergy.
I don't think the connectin to Freemasons is a moot point......I think its worth looking at. In the very least, they stole a great deal of their 'culture' from freemasonry......right down to calling each other "brothers" and "Jehovah"......its all connected to Freemasonry .......
Are they still involved? What lever were they involved? I don't know the answers......but they most certainly 'dabbled' in it at one point.....
Considering a JW child can't be involved in student council......I'd say their connection to Freemasonry will always deserve to be called out.....
two that come to mind are.
my generation and.
won't get fooled again.
Seether......Master of Disaster
Listen to the lyrics. I love it.
i'm really interested in this question because i've heard for years that if you forgo further education and go pioneering, when you have a family down the track you will get a good job because jehovah will provide for you because you pioneered.
as long as i was a kool-aid drinker, even then, i thought, "how does pioneering pay your bills?
surely education should come first.
And I'm seething with resentment over it.
At 45 (child of the 80's)........our company just restructred and let some of us go with a severence. Here I go again.......the "no degree" conversation