Give your daughter lots of hugs and kisses from my kids and me!!
I can see the beams of your radiant pride admitting from my monitor!
Para su hija Farkel......
Agape, Utopian_Raindrops
my oldest daughter jennifer will graduate from medical school on may 1st!
it was a long haul for her.
she spent almost nine years as a full-time student at san diego state university.
Give your daughter lots of hugs and kisses from my kids and me!!
I can see the beams of your radiant pride admitting from my monitor!
Para su hija Farkel......
Agape, Utopian_Raindrops
hey everyone,
i took this test..... .
jung typology test .
Edited by - Utopian_Raindrops on 25 January 2003 17:25:29
hey everyone,
i took this test..... .
jung typology test .
Hey everyone,
I took this test..... .
Jung Typology Test
And my results were......
Your Type is INTP |
Introverted |
Strength of the preferences %
INTP type description by D.Keirsey
INTP type description by J. Butt
Qualitative analysis of your type formula
You are:
Here are a few other reports about my personality type.
Careers for INTP Personality Types
Portrait of an INTP
INTP Relationships
What personality type are you?
Edited by - Utopian_Raindrops on 25 January 2003 17:20:8
we know thw jw congregations have concealed adult pedophiles.
recently, we have been made aware that jw congregations are concealing the youngest of pedophiles, even ages 4-8.. unfortunately, most of the children have been molested themselves by either another jw or an non-jw.
but the molested children themselves are now molesting other children, while they "play" alone together at private homes or even outside the kingdom halls at night after meetings.. the parents and grandparents of the children are aware of the inappropiate behavior of their own children.
At one Kingdom Hall I attended a young girl about 12 tried something with an elder's daughter.
The elders didnt do a thing as this girl who did the act had been molested and raped over and over again by her JW step-dad!!
Basically I think they didnt want to involve the police because the whole thing would spill to the authorities and the press!
What they did do loving people that they are is spread vicious rumors of the child who was the perpetrator and her mother! They were never helped and always shunned! After the mother divorced her pedophile husband they were and still are treated even WORSE then before.
The young girl went on her own for therapy without her mothers consent through her High School. When the School Councilor called the girls mother and asked her to attend group therapy with her daughter she declined stating that JWs do not receive WORLDLY Therapy!!
Although I do not think a child should get away with molesting another child. I do not think jail time is the appropriate thing ether. They need therapy and understanding. They need a real home that is safe for them and the adults to behave as real parents should!
Most children who molest live in a surreal world at home. Their reality is slanted. They need mentors to reach out and show them how life can and should be.
Just my 2 refunds
Agape, Utopian_Raindrops
transcript for preview of the fifth estate's january 29, 2003 program (lovingly and painstakingly transcribed by scully .
bill mckeown: welcome back to the fifth estate.
next week on the program, a story about trust, betrayal and shattered faith.
Oh Scully!!
This is so Wonderful!!
I am hoping to catch it on The Satellite Dish Here!!
My Dad has Direct TV.
How many times did you have to watch it to get that typed word for word?!?
Gurlfriend your awesome!!
People ask me why I am so hyped about this because so many Religions have this problem.
1 st I say no matter how many have the problem it doesnt make it right AND to top it off this is the only Religion where The victim can and HAS been disfellowshipped!
The more people know about this the better!
Thanx Scully for typing this out for us!!
Gotta Luvz ya Gurl!!
having made the somewhat selfish decision to minimize my wts research, it has been necessary for me to attempt several generalizations and summaries for the sake of personal closure.
this investigative process consumed approximately two of my years and i'm approaching my oh-so-sought-after final statement, for my own finality and for anyone who may also have interest.
because i consider many of you my friends i felt it appropriate to ask your opinion and comment.
ROLF Gig!!
Arent we boring!! LOL
I have been writing a brochure about WT Bull $hit and so have been overly serious of late!
Thanx for helping me laugh at myself!!
Ciao 4 now ,
Para ti.......
well, i gave the love of my life c of c last week and guess what?
she still hasn't read it.
i have never seen anyone so afraid of a book.
Oh Mackey!!
I am so sorry she didnt read it yet!!
I was thinking of you and your love just last night wondering what happened.
I noticed your e-mail is open.
If it is ok with you I will do some research and send some WT articles that show they are on shaky ground.
Not major doctrinal beliefs as that might scare her. Just some little quirks that could help her feel more comfortable reading a book by a former GB member.
In the mean time ask her, Why would a man who had a heavenly hope to rule with Jesus write such a book if it was not true?
This statement alone might make her curious enough to start the 1 st chapter.
Im glad you posted today as I had been getting worried.
Know Mackey that both of you are in our prayers and thoughts.
Remember nothing can stop True Love so you and your Lady Fair will live Happily Ever after some day.
Christian Love,
Utopian_Raindrops of The Has Watched Princess Bride Too Many Times Class
P.S. As for your gray hair I think Alberto VO5 makes some hair coloring for men now
having made the somewhat selfish decision to minimize my wts research, it has been necessary for me to attempt several generalizations and summaries for the sake of personal closure.
this investigative process consumed approximately two of my years and i'm approaching my oh-so-sought-after final statement, for my own finality and for anyone who may also have interest.
because i consider many of you my friends i felt it appropriate to ask your opinion and comment.
Insidious Liars are the 2 words that keep coming to my mind as I do more and more research!
I have to say though sugar that Your 2 words ARE so much better as in my research I have felt like I have been wading through a DUNG heap!!
The stench of the WT lies does reach to High Heaven!! Of this fact I am sure.
Often when I have been researching about The WTBS the children have heard me exclaim INSIDIOUS LIARS!!
Thanx to you Gig I now have a New outward exclamation to express while cleaning my mind out of the never ending stench that are the teachings of The WTBS!
I tip my hat to you friend.
*** Rbi8 Romans 1:24-25 *** 24 Therefore God, in keeping with the desires of their hearts, gave them up to uncleanness, that their bodies might be dishonored among them, 25 even those who exchanged the truth of God for the lie
*** Rbi8 Romans 3:7-8 *** 7 Yet if by reason of my lie the truth of God has been made more prominent to his glory, why am I also yet being judged as a sinner? 8 And [why] not [say], just as it is falsely charged to us and just as some men state that we say: Let us do the bad things that the good things may come? The judgment against those [men] is in harmony with justice.
Thank-you Gig,....para ti.....
Christian Love,
Edited by - Utopian_Raindrops on 24 January 2003 14:0:56
Edited by - Utopian_Raindrops on 24 January 2003 14:1:50
Can you scan the pages and post? Please
I am writing a brochure and this would really help.
this is my old living room that i grew up in.
it wasn't painted until years later.
notice the little table, it was made by one of my uncles.
What a wonderful childhood you must have had!!
Most of us today would love such a life for our children.
kids would play in the woods, jump over gullies, climb trees, swing on vines, play in the creeks, build brush camps etc. It was a good time to live, no TVs, video games, computers or many toys. We had to use our imagination and make many of our play things. We didn't wear shoes in the summer,
My own parents grew up on large pieces of land and so when I was a child they moved us to the country to live. We had horses, chickens, rabbits, steer, raccoons, and even raised or cared for wild animals such as baby owls that could not be returned to their nest, a wounded hawk....etc.....the list goes on. We felt free but not as free as 300 acres worth! Your childhood must have been an adventure!
Doesnt it feel awesome that someone else raised their children there?
Thank-you so much for sharing a piece of your life! I very much look forward to seeing other pics of your home.
Christian Love,
Edited by - Utopian_Raindrops on 24 January 2003 13:2:24