It's so freeing to just be an adult and say what you think, and allow others to have their own thoughts...even if they are wrong you don't agree.
You did great.
surprised me that he actually followed up on his word and called .
it will be strange after four yrs.
to have them in our house .my husband was not happy to hear it will be two brothers coming over, because he really does not want to feel we are being counseled .
It's so freeing to just be an adult and say what you think, and allow others to have their own thoughts...even if they are wrong you don't agree.
You did great.
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my name is o`mar p. clark.
i was born and raised a jw.
The hidden metaphors are there if one can recognize and understand them.
i told my mom that i'm not going back to the meetings.
i wasn't planning on telling her that but i've been going through some hard times with my husband and just got fed up with her hounding me.
so she asked if i'll still consider going back to the meetings and i just flat out told her no and that it wasn't up for discussion.
Sounds like you are moving right along.
Good luck on your new adventures.
Pet sitting would be the best. You could tell your clients anything and not worry about them using what you said against you.
take this 72 yes/no question test to find out.. http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp.
INTJ...<---that me.
Last night I got my granddaughter, never been in a KH in her life. Knows nothing about JW's except that I was raised one, and one entire side of her family doesn't know her because of the religion.
Anyway, here are her results.
ENFPs are initiators of change, keenly perceptive of possibilities. They energize and stimulate others through their contagious enthusiasm. They prefer the start-up phase of a project or relationship, and are tireless in the pursuit of new-found interests. ENFPs are able to anticipate the needs of others and to offer them needed help and appreciation. They bring zest, joy, liveliness, and a zany sense of fun to all aspects of their lives. They are at their best in situations that are fluid and changing, and that allow them to express their creativity and use their charisma. They tend to idealize people, and can be disappointed when reality fails to fulfill their expectations. They are easily frustrated if a project requires a great deal of follow-up or attention to detail.
I wonder if she is so different because of not being raised as a JW?
i have noticed a lot of newbies lately.
(i also noticed that after being absent for a year happy1975 is making a return visit.).
so, if you are a brand spanking newbie, post here and tell us a little about your interests, your state, your new direction in life, your favorite things, whatever you want to say---this is your thread.. .
Pretty amazing how many new people and returning people on this one thread. I would bet there are twice as many that are still lurking and not yet ready to post.
bummer i wasn't home and missed it!
he was very busy, as he works at home, so he didn't even take the flyer.
he said at first he didn't even think it was a jw, because she said something about how they have their own easter service, that will be on tuesday!
My daughter got an invitation stuck in her door. She said they must not have knocked, as we were all here and surely the pitbulls would have barked.
I told her it was probably a PDK...(pretend door knocker)
i just have to share this because it has entered my mind every day for nearly a month.. on the way back to my car, there was a bat on the ground.
i stopped to get a closer look.
it turned it's head looked up at me and hissed.
Last year, coming home from my Dad's, I see something ahead on the highway that looks like a rock. As I pass it, I see it's a turtle. He's made it to the middle of the road. So I slow down, turn around and go back. I pick him up and move him to the ditch in the direction he was pointed. Luckily it wasn't a busy highway. I have done this in the past with other turtles.
the same thing happened to me. Only I took him home for a few days. I didn't see him eat anything so I got worried. I took him to a cementary way off the road that doesn't get many visitors and let him loose. It was right at dusk. I stood there and watched Mr Turtle walk away. It was kinda sad. My husband said, "how long do we have to stand out here." I said.."Until he's out of sight." My husband said I'll wait for ya in the car.
thank you for the flowers.
i just have to share this because it has entered my mind every day for nearly a month.. on the way back to my car, there was a bat on the ground.
i stopped to get a closer look.
it turned it's head looked up at me and hissed.
...and donate some money to the local humane society, in his name.
His/her name? You named the maimed bat?
well,yea.."little bat"
i just have to share this because it has entered my mind every day for nearly a month.. on the way back to my car, there was a bat on the ground.
i stopped to get a closer look.
it turned it's head looked up at me and hissed.
wow..I'm amazed at how many people understood where I was coming from. Thank you.
Maybe like I will have a private remembrance of the little feller. Leave a flower where he was last seen alive...and donate some money to the local humane society, in his name.
It's not like you get to see one everyday...and if it hadn't of hissed at me, I might/would have gotten closer, possibly tried to pet him. I know when I'm being hissed at...so I left him alone.
I know now the reason it has continued to bother me so much is because I didn't act on my first instinct and do something for him, if it had been a kitten or a puppy, I would have. There is NO way I could kill an animal. I turn my head when my animals get their yearly vaccination.
Thank you all that have replied, I've learned a lot today.
i just have to share this because it has entered my mind every day for nearly a month.. on the way back to my car, there was a bat on the ground.
i stopped to get a closer look.
it turned it's head looked up at me and hissed.
I thought bats were mammals.
And I won't let it happen again.