You always make me smile.
hey everyone!.
i got a couple messages saying i should post these videos on here.
i got tagged by a youtuber asking me what my motivation for making videos was and what my "problem" is with jehovah's witnesses.
You always make me smile.
what do you mean 'approve' them?
my parents shun me because I was baptized but no longer attend.
but they do not shun my younger brother who is living with his girlfriend; he no longer attends, but was never baptized.
ok...i need to vent.
i just finished writing a letter to my leasing office in regards to my own cousin.
she is a jw of course, and has lately been less than courteous with us because we are d'ad and i have honestly had enough!
I wish I lived closer, I'd go and pick up your pool pass' and my visitors pass at the same time. Let her start something with me.
Considering her attitude, I wouldn't want my children going near her with out me.
Scully's letter with the abuse word change. Best one yet.
keep us posted.
i confess it has for me.
when people are nasty to me and agressive i tend to freeze and have no idea what to say!.
all those years of being brainwashed into "turn the other cheek" etc etc kick in.
I was shopping with a girlfriend. An older old woman walked right past us and put her items on the check out in front of us. We all exchanged glances, me, my friend and the cashier. The old woman seemed not to notice. My friend, tapped the woman on the shoulder and said, "Honey, the end of the line is back there." She picked up her items and walked away.
I didn't know what to say or do. I would have never confronted the old woman. I would have let her check out in front of me. My friend, is not a rude person. She didn't think any thing at all was wrong with her telling the woman to go to the end of the line.
I wondered if it was the JW thing to let it go, or my friend was over the top.
i'm sure topics like this have already come up but they tend to get hilarious with the absolute absurdity that goes on in the kh.
i was once counseled for not shaving after two days.
i was also counseled by a sister for eating lucky charms cereal.
I was about 16 and counseled for wearing a push-up bra. I acted like I didn't know what they were talking about.
should have seen it coming.
don't want to rehash my personal situation, anyone who's read my former posts will know it.
anyone who cares can look them up and get the gist of the situation.
After your mom goes into the nursing home, all of her SS money will go for her care at the home. How does your sister plan on making money then?
You might have to rethink your plan too. I believe you have to have a legal address to receive food stamps, ie; "1st green tent under the tree on the left side of the park" might not work.
Maybe contact an attorney in Elderly Law, find out what your rights are.
Sorry you're have to go thought this.
i took this picture in olive hill, kentucky.
it made me laugh.
I took this picture in Olive Hill, Kentucky. It made me laugh. So I'm sharing.
i don't log on to jwn much anymore.
you all are always in my thoughts though.
i miss you.
I'm so glad you checked in. Things sound like they are moving on. Do you get to see and or talk to Mikey. I hated that the brothers were seperated.
*whispers* "are you dating any one special?"
one of the midwest's greatest landmarks is gone!
my drives down south will never be the same.. make sure you check out the "before and after" pictures.
My granddaughter asked if it was a sea monster.
There is a funny video on Youtube called, "Big Butter Jesus" by Haywood Banks.
I don't know how to post videos or I would.
sorry for the long title.. i don't belive this will happen for a second.
but its an interesting question.
there you are at armargeddon, and god asks you " why you left the jw's?
Since he can read my mind and heart, I'd just give him "the look". He'll know what I'm thinkin