When I was really young, 5 or 6. I remember alot of people slamming the door in our face as soon as they saw who we were. One time in particular, the lady opened her door, her dog made a mad dash for the door, then just as she was slamming it shut, the old sister I was with, swung her bookbag toward the door and it got slammed in the door, the lady in the house started yelling at us, "You people will try anything". But she did open her door just a crack so old sister could get her book bag out.
Even then at that age, it really hurt my feelings, and I hated going.
Another time I was about 12 or 13, and a man at the door said after I offered the mags. "How much are they WORTH?" ...Well,I didn't have an answer for that, so I said l, " Not much, how about 10 cent a piece"