A while back we had a fairly sucessful posting history on stereotypical witnesses. How about stereotypical ELDERS. I will start the ball rolling with two:
1) Brother Oldentimer - He has been an elder for as long as the arrangement has been around. He will interchange return visit with "back calls" on his service meeting parts. His faux london fog overcoat is older than your mother. He collects old toy electric trains. He is always one of the brothers offering one of the prayers at the Memorial. Many young ones ask him if he is one of the "annointed".
2) Brother Walking Bible - He knows every scriptural reference the society has ever used. He knows the "new light" before anyone else in the congregation. His bible automatically opened to the book and chapter of the bible that he wants while at a door in field service. He many times will have no children of his own but offers an abudance of advice on how to successfully raise them. He has a penchant for wearing weird hats out in field service.