In my quest to help JWs wake up I came up with this (at least I think I came up with it myself, can't be sure).
I was hoping someone could help me refine it to be as easy as possible to understand and as hard as possible to weasel out of by some semantics.
Just to be clear, I'm an atheist. This is written for the context of JW beliefs.
Premise 1: Even if a position is true, it is possible for an argument in favour of it to be a bad argument, e.g. I know it’s raining because my wife’s hair is wet (It actually is raining but her hair is wet from the bath she took).
Premise 2: God created a system in which a small collection of cells becomes a human being in 9 months.
Premise 3: Whether he did so or not, God certainly has the ability to create a system in which animals can evolve into other species.
Conclusion: Using complexity to argue against evolution is a bad argument.