I didn't realize they were getting rid of book studies and get-togethers. The clothes situation doesn't sound new to me, though. Not that I disagree. I always thought the Society was going to far with some of its restrictions there.
JoinedPosts by IsaacJ22
Why is the GB determined to delete the few enjoyable aspects of being a JW?
by NAVYTOWN init seems the gb is trying to give the jws a more modern, friendly image.
new website, new logo, cartoons for instructing children, literature carts, slimmed-down books and magazines, etc.
yet on the other hand they delete some of the things many jws enjoy most: the book study in private homes, congregation picnics and large get-togethers, private group watchtower study sessions, colorful socks for men, denim dresses for women etc.
School for Congregation Elders
by C.O.B.E.Beef ini attended the school late last year, and it was an emotional and mental rollercoaster for me.
i was already divided in my heart to say the least.
one of the instructors stayed in my home for the week, and my family genuinely enjoyed his company.
I would love to see an actual picture depicting this list. There would be a meme there somewhere.
an experimental physicist explains his faith
by venting inwhat do you think of this story?
all i can do is quote from someone much smarter than me.
"men offten mistake strength of their feelings with strength of their argument" venting..
BREAKING NEWS ! Finland attacks judicial committees
by raymond frantz inthe finish minister of justice has publicly attacked the practice of judicial committees in her country which are in violation with the basic rights and freedoms enjoyed from citizens in her country .read the full article here :.
finland attacks judicial committees.
please like and share article so more get to see it!.
I'm told by ex-Mormons that the Mormons were, in fact, successfully sued in the U.S. over shunning practices. Since then, they say the church has stopped pushing that doctrine but many Mormons shun ex-Mormons anyway. There was a different basis for their lawsuit than that used in JW cases, but I don't remember now what it was. :(
Truth Be Told - any news on DVD release?
by Zoos ini've been perusing the various threads on the truth be told documentary, along with visiting the website http://www.hereliesthetruth.com/ , and i don't see an option for purchasing the dvd.
is it still not available?.
When I interviewed Gregorio, he made it sound like they wanted to do DVDs with extras and maybe downloadable VODs eventually. But the movie is still playing in theaters according to his FB posts. He sends out invites and so forth everytime there's a new showing. I would imagine that the DVD won't be available until there's no more money to be made in theaters.
The Last BOE!
by Atlantis inthis is the last boe we will be able to provide.
our informant or source, was caught, disfellowshipped, and thrown out of bethel.
we knew that sooner or later the watchtower would find him out.
Lots of people wish him well.
Unassailable Truth about Creation
by Slidin Fast init is rare to have absolute proof of the fact that the borg is categorically wrong.. the recent discovery of hominid footprints in happisburgh, norfolk, england is one such.
these footprints are of a family of people who walked in the soft mud 800/850 thousand years ago.
this is properly substantiated fact not open to dismissal.. further evidence in the uk shows the use of flint tools in hunting and butchering animals again accurately dated to 450,000/500,000 yearsthe bible traces adams creation to something over 6000 years ago.
The WT would be way smarter to only stick to generalities when it comes to science if their only interest was in spreading their "truth." They simply don't know what they are talking about or don't care if it's accurate or not. If that was their only priority, it would be safer to simply say they don't believe in it because the Bible says so.
But there is money to be made in Creationism. The Creation Book was widely read by non-Witnesses and no doubt a financial success. Richard Dawkins claimed that he had received many copies of it over the years in his book, "The God Delusion." (He criticized it as well.) That financial success, all by itself, was surely enough to keep them publishing it for more than 20 years despite its overwhelming factual errors. It also makes sense for them to make a new one to capitalize on this further. Every time they make a new anything, JWs have to donate generously for it just to keep up with the next book study. Then others - househoulders - will do the same.
Why are they still going door to door?
by Euphemism inhey all, long time no see!.
a friend posted the anthony morris videos on facebook today, and the ensuing conversation got me wondering: why are the jws still going door-to-door in the developed world?.
it's clearly useless as an evangelizing tactic; the wt have recognized that for 20 years, with their "go where the people are" spiel, but they also insist that it's still necessary.. .
There is another argument. I seem to remember reading some years ago about a study suggesting that this was, in fact, the most effective way to do it. It's intrusive and annoying, but also the only way to do it face to face with the largest number of people. People respond to that if they're of a mind to. Considering that about 2 out of every 3 converts leaves - same for born-ins - they need all the numbers they can get just to stay even.
As hard as it is, there is at least some evidence suggesting that it's the most effective method.
More importantly, it gives them something to do and a goal to work toward. Which is, I think, a good 50% of the reason to have them do it.
XJW meets with 140 Jehovahs Witnesses
by Watchtower-Free inxjw.
tracy metcalfe https://www.facebook.com/tracy.metcalfe.100?hc_location=streamof ex-jehovah's witness recovery group 3 on facebook.
started a letter writing campaign a few yrs ago to congregations.
I've been following this on FB. I would love to hear a recording of it, but I understand why he doesn't do that since most JWs would never agree to it.
One less celebrity Scientologist
by Gopher init makes me very happy when a popular celebrity leaves a cult, because it could give others the courage to do it or start to think about leaving.. leah remini played carrie on "the king of queens", and has also been on "saved by the bell", "the talk" and had small parts in other shows.. http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/leah-remini-leaves-church-of-scientology-calls-it-corrupt-report-2013117.
leah remini leaves church of scientology, calls it "corrupt": report.
the church of scientology has one less celebrity among its ranks, according to a new report: leah remini.
Always good news when something like this happens.