Well... for anyone watching the Italy/Paraguay game... you can see what I mean. The Italians are faking the whole time, and playing VERY dirty (it's like they are playing a combination of karate and boxing instead of football)... and they get away with it... except... Paraguay scored on them when the goalkeeper let his guard down... so now the dirty game really begins.
JoinedPosts by joeblow
Soccer/football basically comes down to a bunch of fully grown men run around a field pretending to trip on blades of grass and break their leg in an attempt to get free kicks or penalty shots on the other team's goal. I've learned from watching a few games that the horrible fake injuries sustained from grass-blade tripping can be instantly cured by pouring bottled water on the grievously wounded body part.
I've also learned that the Italian teams are the most likely to use poor sportsmanship and devious cheating in an attempt to win. They take every chance they can to kick, gouge, trip and otherwise physically injure (for real) or maim the players of the other team. They can be counted on to play a very dirty game every time they head out on the football pitch.
Why does everyone want to 'quietly' leave? Annual departure day?
by EndofMysteries init seems there are sooo many who sense something is wrong, or not right.
everyone who just 'fades' or is dfed or no longer a jw, it's all assumed for immoral reasons or they just want to lead a 'worldly' lifestyle.
some do, don't believe in god and that's their choice.
For many it's family. Breaking away in a big fanfair will only serve to tear apart what will remain of a fragile family relationship. People want to be able to talk to their parents and siblings. The GB instructs JWs to shun Df'ed people even if they are immediate family members... so if you quietly fade, you have a better chance of keeping your family somewhat together instead of shredding it to little bits.
If it was just me, I would have made a point about my exit.... but it's not just me.
This site needs some improvements.....(suggestions)
by XPeterX inno chatroom.
no profile settings option.
you can't see members who are currently online.
I find the choice of forum software here somewhat... old and archaic. I administer several servers and forums in my line of work, and... none are as cumbersome and difficult to use as this one... not complaining... just an observation based on years of experience with these kinds of things.
Also, I've noticed several broken parts of this forum. the PM section for example (I am amazed that people have to post a forum message to let someone know they have a PM)... notification of replies on threads you are participating in is missing (I can't find it if it's there)... you cannot enter any info in your profile (well, I cannot anyway.. maybe others can?)....
Try clicking on About Us / Contact Us / Terms of Use / Help. the only one that works is TOU... the rest end in a processing error.
Basically, although the forum is working in its current state, it could really benefit from an update/repair, or even a migration to a more current forum engine such as phpBB or something similar.
"What generation change?"
Exactly!!! No one has noticed. Only those who are looking in from outside are aware there's a change. I was "in" during the 1995 change... I honestly didn't know there was one then. In my mind 1914 was still the same thing with the same teaching as it was all through the 1980's. I also wasn't aware of a 2008 change - but to be fair, I haven't been paying any attention since 2002. The only reason I'm even aware there was a doctrinal change is because I've been reading here, and then did my own research to verify.
I really am convinced that the latest change in the generation thing will be completely 100% missed by the vast majority. They won't even notice. The WT study will come and go, and the only ones who will sit up and say "Hey WTF!" are those already on their way out.
My Memories of Bethel in the Franz Era - part one
by Dogpatch infood was passed from one side and if you were #10 you may not get too much to eat!
when i finally did, she was not at all interested.
but i was lucky it didnt work out, for she never would have left the watchtower.
Wow.... loved the story so far... and seriously looking forward to the next part!
Did You Personally Know Any JWs That Were Sexually Molested By Other JWs?
by minimus ini knew of a handful (which is too many) that were molested by a jehovah's witness.
it was not typical in my experience.
what about you???.
I can add to this.. with a me too. I was abused by a male friend of the family (he was a JW) from when I was 6 years old to 9. I never told anyone - not even my parents. When I was 9 years old, I had finally built up the courage to confront my abuser on my own and told him to back off. Eventually he was disfellowshipped for his "lifestyle" - unrelated to the things that happened with me. I have no idea what happened to him after that. While the abuse was going on, I withdrew into a shell... comforted myself with eating - with the obvious results of weight gain.
It took me 23 years after it was over for me to be able to talk about it to anyone - when I met my current partner, I told her, and it was what broke me through some of the silence. I'll probably never tell my parents. I'm still struggling with issues related to that time in my life... but I'm getting better.
Silly things I wondered as a kid
by exwhyzee inif god is like a loving father why did he set up a way for adam and eve to possibly fail by putting the "magic tree" in the garden?
if my dad sabotaged his kids this way or felt the need to test our love him he'd be considered an abusive father.. when god put an angel with a spinning sword in front of the entrance to the garden why didn't a&e walk a few miles down from there and climb over the wall ?
was there a wall ?.
I pondered these questions long long ago....
If the GB is supposed to be the direct link to Jehovah, why do they keep having to change their story? Woudln't Jehovah have inspired them to get it right the first time?
If the GB are supposed to be annointed and thus on a level above the rest of us, closer to God etc etc.... why were members of the GB DFed? How could they be? They should never have been a GB member in the frst place if they were capable of sinning on a level that requies DFing.
Why don't people think something is kind of odd when they look at what is written in older publications and read info that was "fact" at the time, but now is considered 100% wrong? so much so that to claim it's true now as you may have done as recently as last month is going toget you into mega trouble with the elders.
How do you tell the family?
by joeblow inmoved to a better forum location.
sorry... i'm a dummy... i re-posted in the private forum.
i didn't see a way to delete this thread before someone posted to it :-(.
Moved to a better forum location
Sorry... I'm a dummy... I re-posted in the private forum
I didn't see a way to delete this thread before someone posted to it :-(
Did leaving the WT build greater appreciation for or kill your reading of the Bible?
by lepermessiah ini am really on the fence on this issue right now and would love some opinions.. i find that i dont sit down and read the bible for long periods since becoming inactive, but on the other hand, individual scriptures mean much more to me now.. i will sit down and look up some favorite passages from time to time and feel like its the first time i really "got it" - without the jw goggles on.
i love matthew chapter 23, since i think it describes to a tee the situation in jw congregations.
i think if jesus returned today, he would blast the elders and "leaders" of the borg in a similar fashion (along with most religious leaders) .matthew 24 is actually more interesting to me now, simply because my whole life was waiting for the 1914 generation to end sometime during the reagan era!
I didn't really appreciate the bible when I was "in", so... now that I'm free and clear... I have zero interest in it. I do acknowledge that people can read it and gain helpful life advice from it, but you can do the same from any number of books both modern and historical.
I threw away all my WTS publications, bible included, and I don't miss them at all.