Well, here I am, as promised - eating my words....
wow, did not think this was possible... the whole shepherd the flock - book available + some of the late boe letters regarding child abuse policies and secrecy, published here by nrk (the national broadcaster in norway).. http://www.nrk.no/contentfile/file/1.10660993!2010_ks10-e3vedl%20til%20slutt%20%282%29.pdf.
wonder how long it will be before it is removed?.
and jw being top story, child abuse matters discussed from different angles.. well done to those who have been able to make nrk interested and give it full coverage!.
Well, here I am, as promised - eating my words....
from the official jw website.... .
school shooting in connecticutdecember 17, 2012 | united states.
on friday, december 14, 2012, a shooting took place at an elementary school in newtown, connecticut.
Cedars, why is JR talking in that video as if he has golf balls in his cheeks...
(you don't have any "gettin' 2 no u" material on him )?
i was reading in revelation 7 yesterday, where the 12 tribes of the sons of israel are named and where we learn that 12,000 from each tribe are sealed.
how do the jws explain that the 144,000 are identified as israel - and identified so specifically that the 12 tribes are named?
be gentle with me when answering.
Welcome dabster!
When I asked a similar question, my study conductor (read designated indoctrinator ) told me that 144,000 is literal because, well, it is a number and can't be freely interpreted as anything else.
I kid you not!
As jwfacts said, don't put much stock in their claims.
where was he this past friday?.
did he know what was about to happen?.
did he see it happening?.
Where was He this past Friday?
Did He know what was about to happen?
Did He see it happening?
Could have He stopped it?
Was this part of His plan?
for what ever reason i have been contacted by a number of jw's as to why i do not attend the meetings etc.
in the past i have blown it off by saying i am super busy, tired, sick etc.
i had the opportunity just last week when i ran into an elder and his wife at the grocery store to respond to their comment.
problemaddict, the OP was about elders making "Sheperding" visits.
My reasoning is about them, not the little old ladies...
for what ever reason i have been contacted by a number of jw's as to why i do not attend the meetings etc.
in the past i have blown it off by saying i am super busy, tired, sick etc.
i had the opportunity just last week when i ran into an elder and his wife at the grocery store to respond to their comment.
Those people asking you to come back, are doing so because they think its the right thing and are concerned about you.
Right, this has nothing to do with the CO visit and the fact that you are on your way to "Inactive"....
1) il libro "i testimoni di geova proclamatori del regno di dio" - 1993, parla della lotta giudiziaria avvenuta negli anni '30 relativo al diritto dei testimoni di geova di rifiutare il saluto della bandiera degli stati uniti.. 2) la torre di guardia non si e scusata neanche delle bandiere con la svastica che sono state viste in occasione dell'assemblea del 1933 in germania tenuta nel wilmersdorfer tennishallen a berlino.. 3) nel 1946 i testimoni di geova a un congresso, espongono la bandiera degli stati uniti.
vedi foto in "the messenger august 7 1946 p. 3..
According to Google Translate, this is what the poster says:
"1) The book "Jehovah's Witnesses Proclaimers of God's Kingdom" - 1993, speaks of the judicial struggle took place in the 30s on the right of Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to salute the flag of the United States.
2) The Watchtower has not apologized even the swastika flags that have been seen on the occasion of the 1933 convention held in Germany in Wilmersdorfer Tennishallen in Berlin.
3) In 1946 the Jehovah's Witnesses at a conference, displaying the flag of the United States. See photos in "The Messenger 7 august 1946 p. 3."
...and then:
"I'm Italian and I have never been a Jehovah's Witness. E 'for over 50 years I do research and I have all their letteraturo well as various documentation.
Purtorppo not speak English. Hello. Ilnonnosa"
all documents of important nature such as, our kingdom ministry, boe letters, forms, or other materials will now be sent only by email or private message communications.
they will not be posted out here on the board.
if someone else wants to post them, be my guest.. .. we have no other choice in this matter, and sending out confidential documents is better when it is done privately.
nastyrnyi, I like your blog. Welcome to the forum.
good morning, friends:.
it's nearly 3:00 a.m., and i needed a midnight snack.
i didn't want to fry an egg so i tried to peel a couple cooked eggs.
Why do I have the feeling CoCo was speaking metaphorically....
you ca'nt deny the many bible truths we have learned so how can the wt society have been so wrong about the "end"?.
one can accept the reason why it did'nt come in 1975, "jehovahs wants people to worship him out of love and not for a date".
but it should have come by the late 1980's .
Guys, can you please stop using logic and facts!!! Just believe, goddamit.....