You are correct that most on this board are very supportive of gays. I won't mention the names of those that aren't but the ones that you mentioned are correct. I just wanted to let them know that I don't take them seriously, plus I figured I'd try and give them some correct information instead of the bs they've been subjected to.
JoinedPosts by jonjonsimons
One gay mans opinion
by jonjonsimons inpeace and love to everyone,.
the purpose of this post is not..let me repeat not to start a flame war, so as my mother use to tell me, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.
ok so it doesn't have to be nice but please try and keep it civil.
One gay mans opinion
by jonjonsimons inpeace and love to everyone,.
the purpose of this post is not..let me repeat not to start a flame war, so as my mother use to tell me, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.
ok so it doesn't have to be nice but please try and keep it civil.
Peace and love to everyone,
The purpose of this post is not..let me repeat NOT to start a flame war, so as my mother use to tell me, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. OK so it doesn't have to be nice but please try and keep it civil. First let me state that I in no way claim to represent all gay people. That would be may too much of a burden and frankly I'd suck at it. What I am posting is my personal opinion, nothing more.....nothing less. You are free to agree or disagree, no judgements will be made on my part.
OK here goes:I'd like to state once and for all that I DO NOT CARE whether anyone on this board or anywhere else approves of my sexual orientation. It is mine and my partners life and not yours. Nothing that happens in my life has ANY affect on you, so please don't act as if it does. I have noticed many posts regarding homosexuality on this board and I just wanted to make that clear. It seems some of you just can't grasp the fact that I DON'T CARE.
I love my husband. Some on this board will understand that
fully. Others will be troubled by it. And yet some others will be disgusted by it. Whichever category you fit into, have at it.I am tired of reading posts that flame me and other members of the gay community simply because we are gay. If you wish to attack me, please find a valid reason. Why waste your time and energy posting messages of hate that most (notice please that I said MOST) gay people don't care about.
I realize some here won't believe this, but it is true. THERE IS NO GAY "AGENDA". Do me a favor and ask a gay person that you know, if they know what the "gay agenda" is. They will probably tell you some or all of the following.
1. Gay people want to be guaranteed the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
2. Gay people want the right to live in a neighborhood where they won't have to fear for their safety.
3. Gay people want the right to love and to marry whomever they choose.4. Gay people want the right to earn a decent living and to not be subjected to harassment in the workplace because of who they are.
5. Gay people want to have the same rights as everyone else when it comes to housing, adoption, marriage, and healthcare. Gay couples want to be entitled to the same tax deductions as married heterosexual couples. Gay couples want the same survivorship rights that are enjoyed by married heterosexual couples. Gay people want the same rights to adopt and love unwanted children as married heterosexual couples. Gay couples want the same rights to make healthcare decision for their mates as married heterosexual couples. Gay people simply want the same rights that are enjoyed by all other people. Notice there are no "special rights" in the list above. ((And believe me if I was pushing for special rights, on the top of my list would be to have a houseboy that looks like Joelbear))
So for those of you out there, and you know who you are, that insist on posting hate mail on this board let me say once again that I DON'T CARE. It does not bother me that you don't agree with me. It does not bother me that you may hate me. The only time I have responded to those types of posts in the past was when I felt someone was being overtly nasty, and I will continue to do so. But just so you know, there is nothing you can say that will change the fact that in all reality, I DON'T CARE.Peace to all,
jjs (reformed heterosexual and ex-jehovahs witness)Opinions are like a**holes. We've all got one and most of them stink.
An elder struggles
by Dogpatch inthis is on my site as listed at the end:.
between love and me its late night.
i have just been to another elder meeting, as we used to do.
You have my sympathies. This past Saturday was the anniversary of my mothers death, so I know how painful it is. I wish you peace on that day and all others. The only bit of help I can offer is to let you know that it does get better with time. It never gets any easier, but somehow with time you will find the place in your heart again that your fathers death left empty.
take care,
jjs -
TatooGrrl and Her Tats - A Question
by Stephanus inthe mention by tattoogrrl of her tattoos and the discomfort they seem to produce in the r&f around her prompted these questions:.
*would the tats be considered to be a possible stumbling block to those "weak in the faith"?.
*if she gets baptised, will pressure be put on her to have them removed?.
I got my second tattoo about 10 years ago and purposely went to the Kingdom Hall I use to attend wearing a tank top just to see the reaction. The only comment I got from anyone was from an elders wife that I had known as a kid. She told me it was obvious Satan had gotten hold of me and I told her she didn't know the half of it. I told her that the next time I came back I'd wear something that would allow her to see my first tattoo. I don't think I can ever go back now because I just can't show her my first one. It's a woody woodpecker and it on my, um, ah,,.....well woodpecker. Just the thought of getting that one removed send shivers down my spine.
All kidding aside I agree with Stephanus. When dealing with witnesses I've learned the hard way that it's always better to step lightly and carry a big stick.
take care,
jjsOpinions are like a**holes. We've all got one and most of them stink.
what's a boy to do?
by jonjonsimons inhey all,.
i don't know if my karma is screwed up or what, because today just has not been my day.
first i got up this morning, logged on the board and the first post i read was that drivel from you know or who knows or whatever his/her name is.
Thanks everyone for all your suggestions. You guys/gals are just the best. I normally don't mind when they come to the door because I usually like talking/debating with them but due to the circumstances I just wasn't in the proper frame of mind. I do like the various sign ideas so I just might do that. Also thanks to all for your kind words. This time of year is just kinda yuck for me even after all these years.
take care,
I have a tee shirt that says /Reformed Heterosexual/. Mabey I'll try hanging that on my door next time I see them coming. Although then they would probably just try even harder. Mabey I should have one made that says /Reformed JW/. Most people wouldn't get it but it would be too much fun to wear it and drop in on a local JW picnic or something.
jjs -
Conditional love
by noidea inbeing raised a jw sometimes you feel you only know conditional love.
you are only loved if you tow the line.
i only have one thing to say,.
You just sent my BS meter into overdrive. If you really think you can come to this board and use sugary "love talk" and expect people to believe it, you are either simple or psychotic. How dare you try to preach unconditional love from an organization that wouldn't know it if it walked up and bit them on the ass. Also when you said, "It is entirely possible to love someone and still want nothing to do with them" you made me want to puke. To quote Gsark from below NO IT IS NOT. You may believe that WT drivel but this child ain't buying. Go back to the Kingdom Hall and beg for forgiveness for associating with apostates. I thought that was totaly against your rules, or did the GB turn on another switch and see some "new light".jjs
Observation by an outsider
by MikeNightHaShev ini notice that because the jw's point out flaws with the churches doctrines and beliefs that instead of fixing or repenting or solving the issues it's easier for church people to form a backlash whether it's honest or falacious in order to displace blame and smokescreen their own inadequacies.. you can not heal yourself by pointing out anothers wounds, you also can not solve your problems by displacing them instead of admiting and addressing them.. if a jw or anyone else points out the problem of abuse in the church then by pointing out an abuse in the jw elders does not solve the issues of the church abuses neither is it repentance as repentance should be.. if you can't discuss the bible and resons why you fall short and trasngress then by bringing up personal issues or attacking each other like jackals does not change those transgressions it just adds more.. as an outsider i must say all of you are like animals on their prey simply because you didn't like being exposed for your false testiments and false practices.
this means your emotional and psychological and spiritual level is far from being grown up.. will you dare persecute me for pointing out such observations?
a spiritually grown person will reflect on what i say, admit to it and try to change, but a child of darkness will feel their ego hurt and group rpide kicks in causing a person not grown to become defensive bitter and mean/perhaps even spiteful.
You said:
"will you sink to lowly personal attacks".I vote bite me.
jjsPS if you are REALLY the MESSIAH could you do me a itty bitty favor? I'm having a little get together this evening and my wine celler is empty. If I fill the bathtub would you might being a dear and changing it to wine for me. I prefer a nice chablis.
what's a boy to do?
by jonjonsimons inhey all,.
i don't know if my karma is screwed up or what, because today just has not been my day.
first i got up this morning, logged on the board and the first post i read was that drivel from you know or who knows or whatever his/her name is.
Hey all,
I don't know if my karma is screwed up or what, because today just has not been my day. First I got up this morning, logged on the board and the first post I read was that drivel from You Know or Who Knows or whatever his/her name is. So being the mature adult that I am I posted a snide reply and turned on the tv. I looked out of my front window and boom there were 2 JW's at my neighbors door. I ducked instinctively but I could tell they had seen me watching.(damn I knew I should of gotten darker blinds) Normally I would not have even answered the door, but I was in a foul mood so against my better judgement I did. Let me explain my mood. Today is the anivesary of my JW mothers death. She passed away due to the WT stand on blood. That's all I'm saying on that issue. Well I politely told the JW sister at the door that I was not interested. Have JW's gotten pushier since I left, because this woman would just not take no for an answer. Again I told her that I was not interested and started to shut the door and this bitch stuck her foot in the way and proceded to tell me that I was going to lose out on eternal life if I didn't wake up and pay attention. Well children, let's just say that SET ME OFF. I will admit I am now slightly embarrassed at some of the things I said to her because she did have a kid with her and I could tell by the look on the kid's face that he was mortified. It reminded me vividly of my field service years. Anyway, here is my point. How do I make sure they DON'T COME BACK. I was never DF'd but I was DA'd back before they changed the policy on DAing people who were raised in the truth, but never baptised. Do I call the local KH and tell them to fuck off or what. Do I call the cops next time they won't leave. I dunno know to do.
jjsOpinions are like a**holes. We've all got one and most of them stink.
Is the GB guilty of stumbling christian? matt18:6
by Winston inmatthew 18: 6,7 "if anyone should cause one of these little ones to turn away from his faith in me, it would be better for that man to have a large millstone tied around his neck and be drowned in the deep sea.. how terrible for the world that there are things that make people turn away!
such things will alway happen--but how terrible for the one who causes them.".
has the governing body really been responcible for causing real genuine belevers in jesus christ to stumble the way jesus says at mathew 18?.
I find this a fascinating post. I guess it depends on each individuals point of view. I am an athiest who was raised a JW by very devout parents. Was I stumbled, and became an athiest because of my experiences within the borg? I don't think so, but then again I don't claim to know everything. I guess we'll all find out sooner or later.
jjsYou know (absolutley nothing). I'm not even gonna go there with you. You're not worth the time it would take to type.
Opinions are like a**holes. We've all got one and most of them stink.
by You Know inthere is no question about it, the world is rapidly heading toward its terminal tumult.
with the foretold apostasy now fully underway, the stage is set for jehovahs ongoing controversy to be pressed to its ultimate conclusion.
piece by piece, chunks of the underlying economy, the life blood of the present system of things, are falling away.
Thanks for your kind words. I probably shouldn't have added that last part to my post since it was a little off topic, but today's a hard day for me. When I logged on today and the first thing I read was YK's post it just pushed my buttons.
jjsOpinions are like a**holes. We've all got one and most of them stink.