I don't understand. You are the first one to jump in when someone lumps all Christians in the same group, but you just did the same with Athiests.
I am an Athiest, (I know big secret) and yet I don't blame God for anything. He doesn't exist, so how could I. I do blame organized religion for many of the worlds perils, can you honestly disagree with that?
I support a womans right to choose an abortion for 2 very simple reasons Rex. First because my mother died at the age of 35 bearing a child that her Dr. advised her not to have. An abortion would have saved her life. Period. Secondly my 14 year old sister was raped and became pregnant. She could not go to my father for help because in his JW mentality she was afraid the blame would be put on her for what had happened. I took her to the clinic and held her hand while the abortion was performed and I would do the same today. Why should a 14 year old rape victim be expected to carry a child to term?
I also find it funny that you think all Athiests are "Christian bashers". I fully respect your right to your beliefs. You however don't extend that same courtesy to others. Your entire post was one big "Athiest Bash" Rex. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
I am extremely offended that you would even make a comment like "the holy right to spread STDs like AIDS and hepatitis (of several types) just for their own selfish, destructive lifestyles." What??? Do you really believe that people think that way Rex, or are you just trying to be antagonistic? It is my sincere hope that this comment was made in the heat of the moment because if it isn't, then I have lost any respect that I was starting to gain for you. To trivialize a disease that has cost millions of lives worldwide with a sarcastic comment like this is disgusting. I hope you never have to know the pain of losing someone you love to AIDS. I wish that on no one.
I also take extreme offense that you say all Athiests care more for the rights of criminals than they do for the victims. Where do you get off saying something like that Rex? Have you ever been the victim of a crime, or had a close family member that has? I have Rex and believe me this Athiest does NOT take the criminals side in this matter. My uncle was murdered in 1984, and the man who killed him spent less than 10 years in prison. I personally went to his parole hearings and argued against his release, but he was freed after his second hearing. I also hope you never know the pain of losing a family member to murder. Take my word for it, it sucks out loud.
Please do not continue to make blanket statements about people you don't even know Rex. It makes you look truly uninformed and anything but Christian.