Do the women apostates carry as much weight as the men, and why do you say so?
Say does that stand for Latter Day Heretic? Just kidding, after all my wife and I published the article, Women Equal in the Faith many years ago and what we found as a result was that many men hate it. They still hold to the old traditional Jewish values and present day WT values that Paul tried to stamp out. This puts me on the outs with many of them.
Men are more into machinery and technology and have taken the lead in much of this effort. But there are women behind them pushing. All have a share and many women are doing much that is not visible to us. So more is being done than we can see. Sadly some are still in the dark ages like JanG who will not let me post on her site because I tend to beat her up in discussions on H2o. Perhaps such are too emotional and not seeing things in a practical way. Society does take its toll and it takes a special kind of women to come on here and stand up for the faith with all the rest of us. But whatever the situation, I would like to see more of them.
Edited by - JosephMalik on 22 June 2002 8:58:38