whoa nelly!!!
you said....
ok first off the fact that you could even call child abuse a 'common mistake' unsettles
me to no end!!!! Ya murder is a common mistake too should we not try and do anything
about that either that's sick!!!
by saying common i simply ment "occuring frequently"
now i appreciate that this an emotive subject, but please remember i am not condoning this action.
to get to you point if i may.
you said....
I think you need to stop rationalizing, and compartmentalizing the JW's and see them for what they really are:
The will be silenced and the silentlambs will be given voice!!![/b]
ok if thats what you want, good luck.
i get pissed off with lots of things, but what i see us doing is wasting our energies.
if people are serious about this they should try and find out what the most productive
way is available to realise thier unselfish aims.
i wonder if its not just another knife to stick into a father we are all angry at.