by josephus 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • josephus


    it seems to me that we are searching continually for newer and better dirt on the wtbts.

    now we hear about jw child abusers. this is sad.



    child abuse is still a newish thing in the public eye. we see the same mistakes
    being made by ALL KINDS OF GROUPS.

    but we tell eachother stories about jw children being abused and cry for them, them we shake
    our fists at the jws and call them awefull.

    this seems to me to be the exjw equivalent of porno. we get bored talking about mexico, and ray franz, etc, etc, etc
    so we latch on to a new cause. ta da !!!!!!! CHILD ABUSE.

    does anybody think active jws will appreciate getting hit with things like this?
    it will only convice them we are all apostates, and send them running home.

    jws have enough wrong about them without attacking them for something nearly everybody
    else has screwed up too.

    do you think the church down your street hasnt done the same thing as the jws ?

    i am angry at the witnesses, but i will not attack them for common mistakes.


    i hate to say it but,,,,,, fred hall was correct.

    he said if jws dffd all the child abusers we would all complain about that.

    i do not dought the sincerity of silentlambs, but i think thier efforts would be better placed fighting ALL kinds
    of child abuse.



  • jeffory


    you're completely missing the point.
    you say that we[jw's] are just like everyone else and because of that we should not be attacked so savagely, as all those horrible, fanatical, mean spirited xjw's are doing. excuse me jo but the cornerstone of jw theology is that jw's are a paragon of purity and virtue as a result of the superior knowledge that the "truth" has bestowed on them. as a result of this belief the old axiom " extraordionary claims demand extraordionary proof's" comes into play , unfortuanently the big boys want it both ways , they want to condemn all others for sins, mistakes , anything but when their dirty laundry is uncovered they scream like raped ape's.
    well, i for one am glad that finally the sins of their secrets are coming into the open.

  • COMF

    Boy, are you ever not getting it.


  • VeniceIT

    "he said if jws dffd all the child abusers we would all complain about that."

    Hell NO I say lets castrate them all!!!

    * Many JW's have left or walked away due to this issue!!!

    'i am angry at the witnesses, but i will not attack them for common mistakes.'

    *ok first off the fact that you could even call child abuse a 'common mistake' unsettles me to no end!!!! Ya murder is a common mistake too should we not try and do anything about that either that's sick!!!


    Then you've been dupped as well. Trying to do what???? be holy, do Gods will I THINK NOT!!! there's enough dirt on them and what they've done the wrongdoing goes straight to the top.

    I'm sure the Taliban was Trying!

    'i do not dought the sincerity of silentlambs, but i think thier efforts would be better placed fighting ALL kinds
    of child abuse.'

    I think ALL KINDS should be stopped as well, but that is huge undertakeing. We're going at what WE know what WE can stop.

    So umm in you opinion is it better to do nothing or to AT LEASTE HELP wwhat and where we can???

    I think you need to stop rationalizing, and compartmentalizing the JW's and see them for what they really are:

    *** it-1 754 Ephraim ***
    The first king, the Ephraimite Jeroboam, established calf worship at Dan and Bethel. (1Ki 11:26; 12:25-30) This plunge into idolatry was never reversed.

    *** Rbi8 Hosea 10:15 ***
    15 In this way one will certainly do to YOU people, O Beth'el, because of YOUR extreme badness. In the dawn the king of Israel will positively have to be silenced."

    The will be silenced and the silentlambs will be given voice!!!


    "Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."

  • josephus

    hi jeffrey

    i hate to miss any point so ill try again.

    you know jws are wrong.

    I know jws are wrong.

    As the pathetic door to door work shows NEARLY THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS THEY ARE WRONG.

    at this moment however, children are being abused.

    now pleeeeease dont fall out with me here buuuut,

    who are you trying to help ?

    the kids being hurt, or yourself. (if you are a rep from silent lambs. forgive me if your not)

    your efforts are being used to malign an allready much disliked group, but are you efforts doing any good ?

    fight against child porn on the net if you want to help. but why waste time trying to damage an allready
    criticaly ill l religion.

    i guess to get to my much hidden point. ill say this.

    Jw abusers will be caught as well by current systems as they will by attacking the watchtower.



  • josephus

    whoa nelly!!!

    you said....

    ok first off the fact that you could even call child abuse a 'common mistake' unsettles
    me to no end!!!! Ya murder is a common mistake too should we not try and do anything
    about that either that's sick!!!

    by saying common i simply ment "occuring frequently"

    now i appreciate that this an emotive subject, but please remember i am not condoning this action.

    to get to you point if i may.

    you said....

    I think you need to stop rationalizing, and compartmentalizing the JW's and see them for what they really are:


    The will be silenced and the silentlambs will be given voice!!![/b]

    ok if thats what you want, good luck.

    i get pissed off with lots of things, but what i see us doing is wasting our energies.
    if people are serious about this they should try and find out what the most productive
    way is available to realise thier unselfish aims.

    i wonder if its not just another knife to stick into a father we are all angry at.



  • Tina

    Boy have you missed the boat entirely here!
    Yes,child sexual abuse cuts thru all groups and social strata.
    Since this board is about JW's and their issues,who better than former/present members of this org. to expose this heinous problem that exists. This in an org. that continually claims to be ' Jehovahs clean org.'.
    Who better to advocate for justice and protection of abuse victims and survivors than those who know how this org operates?
    You also don't get that this begins by exposing their problem and creating awareness that this is happening in their so-called clean org.
    Silence is the sexual predators greatest strength and tool. Blowing it off as happening all over is the height of apathy and ignorance.
    sites such as silentlambs are a pro-active technique in creating awareness and exposing the rotten policies that only serve to re-victimize members and families affected by these.
    There's a whole lot more you don't get, you need to educate yourself about this. Tina

    Jesse jackson,Jim bakker and Jimmy swaggart have written an impressive new book-it's called"Ministers do More Than Lay People"

  • Ranchette


    I can't believe you have just said what you have.
    I hope this is just a case of a person(yourself)who has taken an issue and jumped to conclusions without making sure they have all the facts.
    Because if you have been paying attention and already know all the facts on this, it would mean you are just as sick and wicked as the molesters!

    I hope Comf is right when he said you have missed the point!
    Yes it is to be expected that JWs will have abuse just like other groups.

    But that is not what this is about!
    The problems go much farther that this.
    We are not having a fit because abuse exists in the org.
    It is the policies that are in place that protect the abuser and further victomize the victim.WT has been aware of this for years and refuse to help instead of harm victims more.
    You said,
    Jw abusers will be caught as well by current systems as they will by attacking the watchtower.

    You are so wrong!! Because of whats going on in this org victims and their families are threatened with loiosing everything if they don't keep their mouths shut.
    In most cases it never makes it to the proper authorities which is exactly the way WT has it all set up to protect their image.

    I really hope you are saying these things out of ignorance.
    There's no excuse for it though.There's tons of info out there to catch you up.
    We are not persecuting the JWs as you suggest.
    This is a hidious thing that is going on and something must be done.
    We know this org inside in out.
    It makes sense to fight causes you are an expert in.
    I feel insulted by your words.

    I really have to wonder who you really are after seeing this thread.


  • josephus

    hi tina

    i am not blowing it off (bad way sentence to use when discussing child abuse)

    i AM questioning why people try to make the wtbts seem somehow worse in a scandal that is global.

    THIS TO VENICE IT.......

    it may have seemed that i said child abuse was "a common mistake" i meant that the failure to do enough
    to stop it is. allthough if you read any dictionary i would still be ok calling it that.


    jws are OFTEN victims of pheadophiles using the org to hurt children, as they do in the scouts,
    and lots of other gullible trusting orgs.

    Again i stand by what ive said.

    i wonder if the motivation for a lot of this stuff is pain because of our dealings with the org.

    this is no attitude to have when your trying to be impartial.



  • VeniceIT

    i wonder if the motivation for a lot of this stuff is pain because of our dealings with the org.

    this is no attitude to have when your trying to be impartial.

    Ok so we're ONLY doing this out of revenge, we don't care about the kids???? buddy your just diggin' a deeper whole and your WAY out of line.

    How DARE you tell us what our motivation is???

    What we should do nothing??? what are you doing to help people???

    ohh what's that quote
    ' the only thing evil needs to succed is for good men to do nothing'

    Well I have no intention of letting that happen on my watch and niether do a lot of people. Besides how on earth do you know what else people are involved with for helping others. Your way off base.

    I hope Ranchette's right that you say this out of ignorance.

    It's YOUR attitidue that allows these things to take place, and perpetuate I hope your never given a postion of Authority till you figure that out!


    "Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."

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