Here's one I did last weekend of the local power plant:
Shot this one just after dusk at 19mm @ f8. Exposure times varied of course since it was almost dark out. A less flattering view can be seen on the Wiki of this plant.
does anyone employ hdr(high dynamic range) photography in their bag of tricks?
in a nutshell, you take several photos of the same scene but at different exposures - from dark to very light(your aperture needs to remain exactly the same).
you then merge them together.
i found this word problem on the net from another website i frequent.
have fun and post your answer below.
I just woke up, so you'll have to excuse my lateness to this thread.
What's the volume of material left in the remaining perforated object?
I would first need to know the diameter of the hole.
i found this word problem on the net from another website i frequent.
have fun and post your answer below.
There is a bus with 7 children inside of it (14 child legs)
Each child has 7 rucksacks (7x7=49)
In each rucksack there are 7 big cats (49x7=343) or 1372 bog cat legs
Every big cat has 7 small cats (343x7=2401) or 9604 small cat legs
Everything listed above is entirely in the bus
All objects are unique
There is no driver
Every child has 2 legs
Every cat has 4 legs
grand total = 10,990 legs (14+1372+9604)
i found this word problem on the net from another website i frequent.
have fun and post your answer below.
10990. C'mon, give us a hard one!
Lease, you fogot the 2401 small cats...
it will be mostly for my daughter, age 11 and she loves horse type games mostly.
the wii looking interesting of course.
Wii owner here. I would highly recommend this over the other two easily.
Jourles, of the "I feel like my arms are going to fall off because I played the Olympic game waaaay too hard" class
on august 2, 2007, a bill was introduced to the us congress entitled h.r.
1959 "violent radicalization and homegrown terrorism prevention act of 2007".
if this bill becomes law, a us citizen's words could be considered "promoting an extremist belief system", and the us government, at their [in]discretion can deem any attempt to expose government lies as using planned or threatened "force" this does not necessarily have to be "violence" --force by exposing corruption or criminality against "the civilian population of the united states, or any segment thereof" read the bill very carefully.
NO ON HR 1959
If this bill is passed, and becomes law, your words and actions could be considered terrorism. S 1959 EVISCERATES FREE SPEECH, and empowers the govt. to declare ANYTHING they deem an "extremist belief system", instantly make you a terrorist, resulting in stripping of US citizenship, torture, and/or execution, with no habeas corpus rights, no ability to challenge even in the US Supreme Court.Contact your Senator and let them know they will be looking for another job if they vote yes on this bill, which is now introduced into the Senate as S.1959 THIS BILL **MUST NOT** BECOME LAW, PERIOD. this becomes law, your words could be considered "promoting an extremist belief system", and all they have to say is that you are using PLANNED OR THREATENED *FORCE* (DOES NOT HAVE TO BE VIOLENCE) --FORCE by exposing CORRUPTION, CRIMINALITY against "THE CIVILIAN POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES, *****OR ANY SEGMENT THEREOF" READ THE BILL MANY TIMES AND VERY CAREFULLY--YOU ARE THE TERRORIST (WHICH MEANS THEY CAN STRIP YOUR CITIZENSHIP, AND HAVE YOU TORTURED AND EXECUTED).Call their local and DC offices. Go to their offices. Find out where your Senator is and tell him no to HR 1959.
If I didn't know any better, it would appear that your introductory paragraph was lifted from this guy's blog(quoted right above). So that means I'm going to have to give you a "W" on your counsel slip for "Giving answers in your own words and not repeating directly from the paragraph."
Oh yeah, just glance through some of that blog. Whoooo-boy.
on august 2, 2007, a bill was introduced to the us congress entitled h.r.
1959 "violent radicalization and homegrown terrorism prevention act of 2007".
if this bill becomes law, a us citizen's words could be considered "promoting an extremist belief system", and the us government, at their [in]discretion can deem any attempt to expose government lies as using planned or threatened "force" this does not necessarily have to be "violence" --force by exposing corruption or criminality against "the civilian population of the united states, or any segment thereof" read the bill very carefully.
If this bill becomes law, a US citizen's words could be considered "promoting an extremist belief system", and the US Government, at their [in]discretion can deem any attempt to expose government lies as using PLANNED or THREATENED "FORCE" This does not necessarily have to be "violence" --FORCE by exposing CORRUPTION or CRIMINALITY against "THE CIVILIAN POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES, OR ANY SEGMENT THEREOF" Read the bill very carefully. This could result in the stripping of US citizenship and result in torture or execution, a la Guantanamo Bay.
I'll give you kudos for trying to sensationalize this bill. But in fact, the choice of words that you used totally distorts the true purpose of this bill. This bill does not in any way attempt to criminalize citizens of the USA for simply exposing "government lies." You may want to actually read this proposed bill rather than passing on inaccurate information presumably taken from a conspiracist website. I say "presumably" because anyone who takes the time to read this document will come away with a totally different perspective on this matter.
it was interesting to read abcs response to knocking part 1 and 2 which exposed the funding, doctrine and hypocrasy.
you might also find interesting mr. engardio's response to abc at the bottom of the webpage.
You'll notice that Joel has never addressed the funding issue...
I had actually looked into this before, but without a smoking gun(Joel admitting that jw's primarily funded the film), there isn't much to go on except a theory. This would look great in the press -- having someone come forward and say that the Reibling and Zaremba families funded this film. So much for an 'unbiased' piece then, right? Of course, Joel would never reveal the true financing if this theory were true. It would give him a terrible reputation for being a sellout film maker.
i just confirmed the "generation" change from another forum in portuguese.
the following is the text in portuguese:.
When the ranks of the annointed keep swelling further, as they have already started to do, then they will come out with new light about the 144,000 being a symbolic number.
Why come out with more "new light" when they can simply stop publishing a number? They have committed themselves to believing/teaching that the 144k is literal - since the beginning of their existence. To state the opposite now would invite confusion and mass questioning. Not to mention that it would likely require the retooling of other major doctrines.
The WTS controls the information that is delivered to the r&f. Now that the anointed number means nothing, they will likely do away with the reporting of it. The constant ~8k figure has been embarrassing. Even I was embarrassed of it when I was 'in.' This may be the last year we see the official count of the anointed. IMO, after the memorial this year, there will no longer be a head count of partakers - in print that is. The only way I can see them continuing to print the count is if it remains steady or drops. If it increases substantially, they will have to drop it.
On another related note, the anointed count was the other carrot. It was taught for decades that there would be anointed left on earth when the GT came. The dwindling number(ha!) of anointed, in print, was a visual countdown clock for the r&f. We knew that the 80 year generation - combined with the remaining number of anointed - pointed to the closeness of armageddon. Now, the new generation change means nothing to the r&f. The same also holds true to the anointed count. If the number increases(highly likely that it will), that will only serve to visually indicate to the r&f that armageddon is further off than before. Why would it indicate this? Because it has been so ingrained in the r&f that the anointed numbers would decrease the closer we got to armageddon. Why would you decrease employee morale even further by publishing numbers that would only help to disenfranchise more employees? This is why I feel that the number will simply go away. I'll gladly eat my words at the next 'fest if they continue to publish the number.
i just confirmed the "generation" change from another forum in portuguese.
the following is the text in portuguese:.
I keep advocating that this information is not really much of a change...if at all. For sure it in no way reverts the GEN teaching back to a lifetime link with 1914 so what difference does it make if the new GEN is just anointed or keeps the GC in?
You already hit on it. From the GC's perspective, it doesn't affect them AT ALL. If this were a true jw board and all of us posting on it were of the GC, what does this change do for us? Nothing. The carrot on the stick was pulled back in '95 and hasn't been lowered in front of us since. Back prior to '95, the only carrot the GB had was the "generation" teaching. That was my carrot when I was growing up. I do not remember any other incentive during my younger years for looking forward to paradise. It was going to be soon, very soon. That dangling carrot had a few words inscribed on it as well: "Good until the year 2000. It will come without fail."
Name one current doctrine that the GC has today that gives them the hope of paradise coming very soon - within a decade or so? I can't name one. The GB better come up with something quick, because if the r&f start to lose interest feeling that they may not see paradise within their lifetime, the GB will also lose control. This could very well be the GB's intention. They may be laying out this foundation first - the control aspect - and then they will introduce a new, coming soon, paradise doctrine. They will have to. You cannot control a disgruntled employee. If an employee loses their benefits or incentives, what reason do they have in staying on and working? I wouldn't. I would leave.
Always remember to look at the WTS and the r&f as an employer/employee relationship. Never as a religious one. If you try to decipher their moves as religiously or biblically based, it will make your head spin. But view it as a business, and everything will become more clear and understandable.