Alan said:
The old cards read something like, "I will not take blood..." whereas the new ones read, "I will not take allogenic blood..." Now, "allogenic" refers to blood from another person, as opposed to "autologous" blood, which refers to one's own blood.That almost sounds correct. Our PO said multiple times "autologous blood" and that we DO NOT accept this form of transfusion from our own blood. He specifically made sure that he pronounced it correctly and that another bro had told him that it would take him longer to understand it before he could spell it.
I have in front of me a new blood card(I think)-- at least it does not have the 3/99 date at the bottom as they pointed out at the meeting. I wonder if this "short supply" of cards came from a very early printing?? This card has no date whatsoever on it anywhere. Here is the 'meat' of the directive:
I direct that no blood transfusions(whole blood, red cells, white cells, platelets, or blood plasma) be given to me under any circumstances, even if physicians deem such necessary to preserve my life or health.....If someone has one of the 3/99 cards handy, check and see if there are any differences in the wording. The wording that I left out is fluff and I know is repetitive of the 3/99 cards.This legal directive is an exercise of my right to accept or to refuse medical treatment in accord with my deeply held values and convictions.....
I also know that there are various dangers associated with blood transfusions. So I have decided to avoid such dangers and, instead, to accept whatever risks may seem to be involved in my choice of alternative nonblood management.