I lost my dad in January 2003 due to the blood policy. His aorta began to tear, they set him up for surgery, but the no blood policy made the surgeon apprehensive. While inserting the foley catherater they punctured the prostate, causing blood loss into the bladder. Due to the no blood policy they postponed the aorta surgery to build his blood back up and find out what exactly was going on with the catherater. 2 days later he ruptured his aorta and died instantly. Had he agreed to blood they would have done the surgery the first night he entered the hospital the doctors would have not waited "to build up his blood" but would have corrected the defect that was occuring.
Then in September 2003 my father-in-law bleed to death in a hospital after his hemmroids ruptured. Yep, you bet the JW family was hovering around making sure he didn't get any blood. They didn't even know he could get blood products like albumin to help.